Version 448 (modified by 5 weeks ago) (diff) | ,
Table of Contents
The GiBUU project
The GiBUU project provides a unified theory and transport framework in the MeV and GeV energy regimes for
- elementary reactions on nuclei, as e.g.
- electron + A,
- photon + A,
- neutrino + A ,
- hadron + A (especially pion + A and proton + A)
- and for A + A heavy-ion collisions,
using the same physics input and code. The GiBUU code provides a full dynamical description of the reaction and delivers the complete final state of an event; it can thus be used as an event generator. The source code is freely available.
For all the reactions, the flow of particles is modeled within the quantum-kinetic Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck (BUU) framework. The relevant degrees of freedom are mesons and baryons, which propagate in mean fields and scatter according to cross sections which are applicable to the energy range of a few 10 MeV to about 40 GeV; incoming lepton energies can go up to 1 TeV. In the higher energy regimes the concept of pre-hadronic interactions is implemented in order to realize color transparency and formation time effects. For a general overview of the model, its theoretical basis as well as many practical details, refer to the review paper:
Transport-theoretical Description of Nuclear Reactions
O. Buss, T. Gaitanos, K. Gallmeister, H. van Hees, M. Kaskulov, O. Lalakulich, A. B. Larionov, T. Leitner, J. Weil, U. Mosel
Phys. Rept. 512 (2012) 1-124 / Inspire
The numerical implementation, named GiBUU (aka The Giessen BUU Project), is written in modular Fortran 2003 and based upon a Subversion version control system, which allows for a concise control over the full development phase of the code.
The history of the code is rather long and reports about several main development steps. The present initiative accomplished a total rewrite of the source code in a present-day computing language. The main goals of this effort were modularization to allow for a more transparent multi-user development process, a strict reduction of global variables for a more transparent debugging procedure, an improved control over the development phase such that modifications can be backtracked and a unified standard version. Therefore every member of the team works on the same single code version, albeit different temporal branches may coexist. Possible technical overhead is compensated by the benefit of a faster distribution of improvements and innovations and their enhanced sustainability.
GiBUU is being developed by a collaboration of people at different institutes:
- Institut für Theoretische Physik of the Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen.
- Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna
- Physics Department, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- 5. Jan. 2025: GiBUU 2025 has been released.
- neutrino init: low-Q2-limit for electrons improved
- real photon init: shadowing for VMD included
- use mass of resonance as cut-off in W-dependence of form factors
- HiPion init: add Coulomb correction of incoming beam (as for LoPion)
- HiPion init: simple Glauber estimates (quantum mechanical and classical) added
- radius and surface as explicit input parameters for Woods-Saxon density distributions
- event output possible using HepMC3 library (neutrino and electron inits)
- event output possible using NuHepMC standard (neutrino init, thanks to and
- alternative form of s-wave absorption of pi-N-Delta dynamics at low pion energies implemented
- sampe job cards added for T2K and SBND with explicit in-medium options
- bug fix for RootTuple (thanks to Pedro Pasquini)
- line "version=2025" mandatory in jobcard to avoid outdated jobcards
- Makefile also for new Intel compiler ifx
- refactoring, cosmetics, minor improvements and bug fixes
- Earlier Releases: see Release Notes
General Info
The GiBUU Model
- Physics input -- Learn more about our model
- Publications
- Presentations
- Visualizations, Movies
The GiBUU Team
- Project members and collaborators
- Code History -- How this code evolved
Using GiBUU
- Get-it-running: (...for the impatients: the installation in less than 10 lines)
- Prerequisites -- Used software and tools
- Download -- Get the GiBUU source code
- Compiling GiBUU
- Running GiBUU -- How to run a simulation
- Release Notes
- Subscribe to the 'GiBUU-announce' mailing list
- Tutorials:
- HowTos -- some general short tutorials
- FAQ -- Frequently Asked Questions
- Automatic Code Documentation (Robodoc):
- GiBUU particle numbering scheme
- Job cards -- Examples for GiBUU input files
- Some Introductions:
- Event Output -- How to obtain event output at all
- perWeight -- How to obtain cross sections from the event files
- EqualWeight -- How to use the 'equal perweight mode'
- CollisionList -- How to write out all interaction history
- Cross Section Plotter -- How to generate plots of elementary XS interactivly
- Lines of Code
About GiBUU
- Ein Lasso für die Geisterteilchen, pro-physik, 27. September 2016
- Neutrinos on nuclei (by U. Mosel), CERN Courier, 22. September 2017
- Neutrino Long-Baseline Experiments and Nuclear Physics (by U. Mosel), in: Nuclear Physics News, v52, no 4, Dec. 2019
- "Simulation ganz seltener Stöße von Neutrinos; Gießener Physikerteam berechnet Reaktionen im künftigen internationalen Neutrino-Experiment DUNE" Pressemitteilung der JLU Gießen Nr. 58, 11. April 2024
External Projects
- Publications using GiBUU
- J. Schumann for KM3Net: km3buu, Python wrapper around GiBUU, docker container, output transformation
for details see Python-based tools and frameworks for KM3NeT, talk at PyHEP 2021 workshop, 5.7.-9.7.2021
code available at GitHub: - The GenieHad Event Generation Framework by the REDTOP experiment at Fermilab:
- Docker: multiple dockerfiles:
- The name of the project and its pronounciation should not be confused with a german coffee seller (Hamburg)
- In the germanic languages before the adoption of the latin alphabet, Runes were used. The seventh rune, looking similar to the letter 'X', has a pronounciation as 'gebo'. Its meaning is gift, present. (cf. K.Düwel, "Runenkunde", Springer, 2008
- 'gibuu' translates to 'wolf' in the Gitxsan and Nisga'a languages wikipedia dictionary
- 3 examples what ChatGPT claims that GiBUU stands for: (all wrong, see top of page)
- Generalized event generator for Baryon-Unified Unitarity
- Generalized Budget for Ultra-relativistic Unitarity
- Generalized event generator for baryon-induced ultrarelativistic reactions
For Developers
- Internal pages (link only available for developers after login)