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The 'equal perweight mode'

As described elsewhere, elementary reactions introduced on nucleons are connected with a statistical weight, the so called 'perWeight', which is directly connected with the total interaction cross section. So events and its final state particles are generated, independent of their actual cross sections.

Instead of using the individual cross section as a the weight of the event (aka "perWeight"), a MC rejection may be implemented on the same basis of the perWeight.


How to use it

1) For the rejection method to work, you have to know sigma_max

Please take your favorite jobcard, set

numTimeSteps    =0


equalWeights_Mode = 1

Running this jobcard then should generate a file "fort.87" with a list of increasing numbers.

2) Take the last number of that file, add some 'security buffer', and create a second jobcard, now with final state events by setting

equalWeights_Mode = 2
equalWeights_Max = <The_Value_You_Selected>
Last modified 23 months ago Last modified on Mar 24, 2023, 12:56:09 AM