- 1. /neutrinoAnalysis
- 1.1. neutrinoAnalysis/Posc
- 1.2. neutrinoAnalysis/detailed_diff_output
- 1.3. neutrinoAnalysis/forPion
- 1.4. neutrinoAnalysis/forEta
- 1.5. neutrinoAnalysis/forKaon
- 1.6. neutrinoAnalysis/forKaonBar
- 1.7. neutrinoAnalysis/forDmeson
- 1.8. neutrinoAnalysis/forDbar
- 1.9. neutrinoAnalysis/forDs_plus
- 1.10. neutrinoAnalysis/forDs_minus
- 1.11. neutrinoAnalysis/forNucleon
- 1.12. neutrinoAnalysis/forLambda
- 1.13. neutrinoAnalysis/forSigmaResonance
- 1.14. neutrinoAnalysis/forXi
- 1.15. neutrinoAnalysis/forOmegaResonance
- 1.16. neutrinoAnalysis/include_W_dist
- 1.17. neutrinoAnalysis/dW_Npi
- 1.18. neutrinoAnalysis/Wmin_Npi
- 1.19. neutrinoAnalysis/Wmax_Npi
- 1.20. neutrinoAnalysis/dW_mupi
- 1.21. neutrinoAnalysis/Wmin_mupi
- 1.22. neutrinoAnalysis/Wmax_mupi
- 1.23. neutrinoAnalysis/dW_muN
- 1.24. neutrinoAnalysis/Wmin_muN
- 1.25. neutrinoAnalysis/Wmax_muN
- 1.26. neutrinoAnalysis/numin
- 1.27. neutrinoAnalysis/numax
- 1.28. neutrinoAnalysis/nubin
- 1.29. neutrinoAnalysis/Enumin
- 1.30. neutrinoAnalysis/Enumax
- 1.31. neutrinoAnalysis/Enubin
- 1.32. neutrinoAnalysis/EkinMin
- 1.33. neutrinoAnalysis/EkinMax
- 1.34. neutrinoAnalysis/dEkin
- 1.35. neutrinoAnalysis/kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold_nucleon
- 1.36. neutrinoAnalysis/kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold_chargedpion
- 1.37. neutrinoAnalysis/kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold_neutralpion
- 1.38. neutrinoAnalysis/kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold_lepton
- 1.39. neutrinoAnalysis/AngleUpperDetectionThresholdDegrees_nucleon
- 1.40. neutrinoAnalysis/AngleUpperDetectionThresholdDegrees_chargedpion
- 1.41. neutrinoAnalysis/AngleUpperDetectionThresholdDegrees_neutralpion
- 1.42. neutrinoAnalysis/AngleUpperDetectionThresholdDegrees_lepton
- 1.43. neutrinoAnalysis/radialScale
- 1.44. neutrinoAnalysis/applyCuts
- 1.45. neutrinoAnalysis/Fissum_analysis
- 1.46. neutrinoAnalysis/ZeroPion_analysis
- 1.47. neutrinoAnalysis/calorimetric_analysis
- 1.48. neutrinoAnalysis/reconstruct_neutrino_energy
- 1.49. neutrinoAnalysis/specificEvent_analysis
- 1.50. neutrinoAnalysis/no_pi
- 1.51. neutrinoAnalysis/p_Xn_no_pi
- 1.52. neutrinoAnalysis/piplus
- 1.53. neutrinoAnalysis/piplus_MULTI
- 1.54. neutrinoAnalysis/pi0
- 1.55. neutrinoAnalysis/pi0_MULTI
- 1.56. neutrinoAnalysis/piminus
- 1.57. neutrinoAnalysis/piminus_MULTI
- 1.58. neutrinoAnalysis/pp_no_pi
- 1.59. neutrinoAnalysis/pn_no_pi
- 1.60. neutrinoAnalysis/nn_no_pi
- 1.61. neutrinoAnalysis/pp_Xn_no_pi
- 1.62. neutrinoAnalysis/nn_Xp_no_pi
- 1.63. neutrinoAnalysis/ppp_Xn_no_pi
- 1.64. neutrinoAnalysis/pppp_Xn_no_pi
- 1.65. neutrinoAnalysis/p_no_pi
- 1.66. neutrinoAnalysis/n_no_pi
- 1.67. neutrinoAnalysis/Xn_no_pi
- 1.68. neutrinoAnalysis/excl_hadron
- 1.69. neutrinoAnalysis/full_incl
- 1.70. neutrinoAnalysis/QEp
- 1.71. neutrinoAnalysis/pcut
- 1.72. neutrinoAnalysis/binsizeQ2
- 1.73. neutrinoAnalysis/binsizeEnu
- 1.74. neutrinoAnalysis/maxQ2
- 1.75. neutrinoAnalysis/maxEnu
- 1.76. neutrinoAnalysis/outputEvents
- 1.77. neutrinoAnalysis/outputEvents_lepIn
- 1.78. neutrinoAnalysis/outputEvents_Residuum
- 1.79. neutrinoAnalysis/Xsection_analysis
- 1.80. neutrinoAnalysis/doPipe
- 1.81. neutrinoAnalysis/fileNamePipe
- 1.82. neutrinoAnalysis/DoOutChannels
- 1.83. neutrinoAnalysis/OutChannelsFak
- 1.84. neutrinoAnalysis/readinput
- 1.85. neutrinoAnalysis/NeutrinoAnalysis
- 1.86. neutrinoAnalysis/W_distributions
- 1.87. neutrinoAnalysis/nl_calorimetric_analysis
- 1.88. neutrinoAnalysis/nl_specificEvent
- 1.89. neutrinoAnalysis/detailed_diff
- 1.90. neutrinoAnalysis/neutrino_Analyze
- 1.91. neutrinoAnalysis/Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities.dat
- 1.92. neutrinoAnalysis/Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_QE.dat
- 1.93. neutrinoAnalysis/neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_Delta.dat
- 1.94. neutrinoAnalysis/Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_highRES.dat
- 1.95. neutrinoAnalysis/Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_1piBG.dat
- 1.96. neutrinoAnalysis/Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_DIS.dat
- 1.97. neutrinoAnalysis/Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_2p2h.dat
- 1.98. neutrinoAnalysis/Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_gen0.dat
- 1.99. neutrinoAnalysis/Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_gen1.dat
- 1.100. neutrinoAnalysis/Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_gen2.dat
- 1.101. neutrinoAnalysis/Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_gen3ormore.dat
- 1.102. neutrinoAnalysis/Neutrino_total_Xsection.dat
- 1.103. neutrinoAnalysis/Neutrino_kinetic_energy_Xsection.dat
- 1.104. neutrinoAnalysis/Neutrino_Xsection_numbers.dat
- 1.105. neutrinoAnalysis/diff_ZZZ_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_HADRON_charge_CHARGE.dat
- 1.106. neutrinoAnalysis/diff_ZZZ_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_HADRON_charge_CHARGE_1X.dat
- 1.107. neutrinoAnalysis/diff_ZZZ_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_HADRON_charge_CHARGE_2X.dat
- 1.108. neutrinoAnalysis/diff_ZZZ_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_HADRON_charge_CHARGE_MULTI.dat
- 1.109. neutrinoAnalysis/diff_ZZZ_XXX_dSigma_dEcostheta_HADRON_charge_CHARGE.dat
- 1.110. neutrinoAnalysis/diff_ZZZ_XXX_dSigma_dTheta_HADRON_charge_CHARGE.dat
- 1.111. neutrinoAnalysis/diff_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_lepton_PPP.dat
- 1.112. neutrinoAnalysis/diff_XXX_dSigma_dQ2_lepton_PPP.dat
- 1.113. neutrinoAnalysis/diff_XXX_dSigma_dQ2p_lepton_PPP.dat
- 1.114. neutrinoAnalysis/diff_XXX_dSigma_dcos_lepton_PPP.dat
- 1.115. neutrinoAnalysis/diff_XXX_d2Sigma_dEdcost_lepton_no_pi.dat
- 1.116. neutrinoAnalysis/diff_XXX_d2Sigma_dpLdpT_lepton_no_pi.dat
- 1.117. neutrinoAnalysis/diff_XXX_dSigma_dW_nucleon_pion_charge_CHARGE.dat
- 1.118. neutrinoAnalysis/diff_XXX_dSigma_dW_muon_nucleon_charge_CHARGE.dat
- 1.119. neutrinoAnalysis/diff_XXX_dSigma_dW_muon_pion_charge_CHARGE.dat
- 1.120. neutrinoAnalysis/FinalEvents.dat
- 1.121. neutrinoAnalysis/production_ID
- 1.122. neutrinoAnalysis/reconstruction_Enureal_PPP.ZZZ.dat
- 1.123. neutrinoAnalysis/reconstruction_Enurec_PPP.ZZZ.dat
- 1.124. neutrinoAnalysis/reconstruction_Enu_rec_versus_real_PPP.ZZZ.dat
- 1.125. neutrinoAnalysis/reconstruction_Q2real_PPP.ZZZ.dat
- 1.126. neutrinoAnalysis/reconstruction_Q2rec_PPP.ZZZ.dat
- 1.127. neutrinoAnalysis/reconstruction_Q2_rec_versus_real_PPP.ZZZ.dat
- 1.128. neutrinoAnalysis/oscillations_UUU_real_PPP.ZZZ.dat
- 1.129. neutrinoAnalysis/oscillations_UUU_rec_PPP.ZZZ.dat
- 1.130. neutrinoAnalysis/IsBound
- 1.131. neutrinoAnalysis/IsBelowThreshold
- 1.132. neutrinoAnalysis/lepton_acceptance
- 1.133. neutrinoAnalysis/oscillationProbability
- 1.134. neutrinoAnalysis/PrintVals10
- 1.135. neutrinoAnalysis/PrintHeader10
- 1.136. neutrinoAnalysis/cost_min
- 1.137. neutrinoAnalysis/cost_max
- 1.138. neutrinoAnalysis/delta_cost
- 1.139. neutrinoAnalysis/Elept_min
- 1.140. neutrinoAnalysis/Elept_max
- 1.141. neutrinoAnalysis/delta_Elept
- 1.142. neutrinoAnalysis/pL_min
- 1.143. neutrinoAnalysis/pL_max
- 1.144. neutrinoAnalysis/delta_pL
- 1.145. neutrinoAnalysis/pT_min
- 1.146. neutrinoAnalysis/pT_max
- 1.147. neutrinoAnalysis/delta_pT
- 1.148. neutrinoAnalysis/Q2_Max
/neutrinoAnalysis [ Modules ]
module neutrinoAnalysis
neutrinoAnalysis/detailed_diff_output [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: detailed_diff_output = .false.
If .true. then also the detailed output of differential cross sections is produced
neutrinoAnalysis/forPion [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: forPion =.true.
If .true. then also the detailed output of differential cross sections is produced
neutrinoAnalysis/forEta [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: forEta =.false.
If .true. then also the detailed output of differential cross sections is produced
neutrinoAnalysis/forKaon [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: forKaon =.false.
If .true. then also the detailed output of differential cross sections is produced
neutrinoAnalysis/forKaonBar [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: forKaonBar =.false.
If .true. then also the detailed output of differential cross sections is produced
neutrinoAnalysis/forDmeson [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: forDmeson =.false.
If .true. then also the detailed output of differential cross sections is produced
neutrinoAnalysis/forDbar [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: forDbar =.false.
If .true. then also the detailed output of differential cross sections is produced
neutrinoAnalysis/forDs_plus [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: forDs_plus =.false.
If .true. then also the detailed output of differential cross sections is produced
neutrinoAnalysis/forDs_minus [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: forDs_minus =.false.
If .true. then also the detailed output of differential cross sections is produced
neutrinoAnalysis/forNucleon [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: forNucleon =.true.
If .true. then also the detailed output of differential cross sections is produced
neutrinoAnalysis/forLambda [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: forLambda =.false.
If .true. then also the detailed output of differential cross sections is produced
neutrinoAnalysis/forSigmaResonance [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: forSigmaResonance =.false.
If .true. then also the detailed output of differential cross sections is produced
neutrinoAnalysis/forXi [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: forXi =.false.
If .true. then also the detailed output of differential cross sections is produced
neutrinoAnalysis/forOmegaResonance [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: forOmegaResonance =.false.
If .true. then also the detailed output of differential cross sections is produced
neutrinoAnalysis/include_W_dist [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: include_W_dist=.false.
If .true. then the invariant mass distributions for events with 1 pion and 1 nucleon in the final state are produced
neutrinoAnalysis/dW_Npi [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: dW_Npi=0.02
for dsigma/d(InvariantMass); only work if include_W_dist is .true. set the min, max and steps for various W-distributions
neutrinoAnalysis/Wmin_Npi [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: Wmin_Npi=1.08
for dsigma/d(InvariantMass); only work if include_W_dist is .true. set the min, max and steps for various W-distributions
neutrinoAnalysis/Wmax_Npi [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: Wmax_Npi=1.6
for dsigma/d(InvariantMass); only work if include_W_dist is .true. set the min, max and steps for various W-distributions
neutrinoAnalysis/dW_mupi [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: dW_mupi=0.04
only work if include_W_dist is .true. set the min, max and steps for various W-distributions
neutrinoAnalysis/Wmin_mupi [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: Wmin_mupi=0.24
only work if include_W_dist is .true. set the min, max and steps for various W-distributions
neutrinoAnalysis/Wmax_mupi [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: Wmax_mupi=1.2
only work if include_W_dist is .true. set the min, max and steps for various W-distributions
neutrinoAnalysis/dW_muN [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: dW_muN=0.04
only work if include_W_dist is .true. set the min, max and steps for various W-distributions
neutrinoAnalysis/Wmin_muN [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: Wmin_muN=1.04
only work if include_W_dist is .true. set the min, max and steps for various W-distributions
neutrinoAnalysis/Wmax_muN [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: Wmax_muN=2.12
only work if include_W_dist is .true. set the min, max and steps for various W-distributions
neutrinoAnalysis/numin [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: numin=0.
for calorimetric analysis: values for transferred energy; only work if calorimetric_analysis is .true. set the min, max and bins for nu distributions
neutrinoAnalysis/numax [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: numax=10.0
for calorimetric analysis: values for transferred energy; only work if calorimetric_analysis is .true. set the min, max and bins for nu distributions
neutrinoAnalysis/nubin [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: nubin=0.1
for calorimetric analysis: values for transferred energy; only work if calorimetric_analysis is .true. set the min, max and bins for nu distributions
neutrinoAnalysis/Enumin [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: Enumin=0.
for calorimetric analysis: values for neutrino energy; only work if calorimetric_analysis is .true. set the min, max and bins for nu distributions
neutrinoAnalysis/Enumax [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: Enumax=10.0
for calorimetric analysis: values for neutrino energy; only work if calorimetric_analysis is .true. set the min, max and bins for nu distributions
neutrinoAnalysis/Enubin [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: Enubin=0.1
for calorimetric analysis: values for neutrino energy; only work if calorimetric_analysis is .true. set the min, max and bins for nu distributions
neutrinoAnalysis/EkinMin [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: EkinMin=0.
if detailed_diff_output is TRUE: minimal kinetic energy for dsigma/dEkin for hadrons
neutrinoAnalysis/EkinMax [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: EkinMax=2.
if detailed_diff_output is TRUE: Maximal kinetic energy for dsigma/dEkin for hadrons
neutrinoAnalysis/dEkin [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: dEkin=0.01
if detailed_diff_output is TRUE: Delta(eKin) for dsigma/dEKin for hadrons
neutrinoAnalysis/kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold_nucleon [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold_nucleon=0.0
kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold lower detection threshold for nucleon kinetic energies
neutrinoAnalysis/kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold_chargedpion [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold_chargedpion=0.0
neutrinoAnalysis/kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold_neutralpion [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold_neutralpion=0.0
neutrinoAnalysis/kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold_lepton [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold_lepton=0.0
kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold only lepton kinetic energies above this threshold can be detected This cut affects *all* events, not just the outgoing lepton!
neutrinoAnalysis/AngleUpperDetectionThresholdDegrees_nucleon [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: AngleUpperDetectionThresholdDegrees_nucleon=180.0
nucleon angles up to this value can be detected
neutrinoAnalysis/AngleUpperDetectionThresholdDegrees_chargedpion [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: AngleUpperDetectionThresholdDegrees_chargedpion=180.0
charged pion angles up to this value can be detected
neutrinoAnalysis/AngleUpperDetectionThresholdDegrees_neutralpion [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: AngleUpperDetectionThresholdDegrees_neutralpion=180.0
neutral pion angles angles up to this value can be detected
neutrinoAnalysis/AngleUpperDetectionThresholdDegrees_lepton [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: AngleUpperDetectionThresholdDegrees_lepton=180.0
lepton angles up to this value can be detected This cut affects *all* events, not just the outgoing lepton!
neutrinoAnalysis/radialScale [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: radialScale=1.5
If radial position of nucleon < radialScale*target radius, then the nucleon is assumed to be bound
neutrinoAnalysis/applyCuts [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
integer, save :: applyCuts = 0
This parameter encodes 'binary', which cuts should be applied:
- 1: lepton_acceptance
- 2: isBound
- 4: isBelowThreshold
Instead of having three indipendent flags (with values=0 or 1) as e.g. labelled 'doLepton', 'doIsBound', 'doBelowThr', applyCuts combines them formally into one number as
applyCuts = 1*doLepton + 2*doIsBound + 4*doBelowThr
So by setting any number between 0 and 7, one can individually switch on and off each of these cuts.
'lepton_acceptance' uses the input parameters:
- kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold_lepton (for all kind of outgoing leptons)
- AngleUpperDetectionThresholdDegrees_lepton
'isBound' tests, whether kinetic energy plus potential is <0
'isBelowThreshold' uses the input parameters:
- kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold_lepton (only for muons)
- AngleUpperDetectionThresholdDegrees_lepton (only for muons)
- kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold_nucleon (only for nucleons)
- AngleUpperDetectionThresholdDegrees_nucleon (only for nucleons)
- kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold_chargedpion (only for charged pion)
- AngleUpperDetectionThresholdDegrees_chargedpion (only for charged pion)
- kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold_neutralpion (only for neutral pions)
- AngleUpperDetectionThresholdDegrees_neutralpion (only for neutral pions)
Some examples:
- To generate full inclusive output, set the value applyCuts=0
- To generate output where bound nucleons are dropped, set applyCuts=2
- To generate output with specific experimental cuts for the outgoing hadrons, set applyCuts=4 or applyCuts=6 and set the corresponding threshold parameters accordingly.
- If in the experiment also cuts on the outgoing lepton are used, set applyCuts=7 and set the corresponding threshold parameters accordingly.
These cuts affects the output into the file "FinalEvents.dat".
The cut 'lepton_acceptance' (de-)selects the full event, while the other two cuts only decide whether a specific particle is accepted or not.
The kinetic energy of a bound nucleon is < 0. Therefore using the default value kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold_nucleon=0.0 also tests, whether the particle is bound or not. Set the parameter to a large negative value to become ineffective.
neutrinoAnalysis/Fissum_analysis [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: Fissum_analysis=.false.
do analysis with cuts as needed for Fig 25 in Fissum et al, PRC 70, 034606 (2004)
neutrinoAnalysis/ZeroPion_analysis [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: ZeroPion_analysis=.false.
produce output of xsec for various final states with 0 pions and 2 pions see file see sigma_0pions.dat for the list of the final states
see files neutrino_0pions.dat, neutrino_0pions_QE.dat, neutrino_0pions_Delta.dat, ... for output
neutrinoAnalysis/calorimetric_analysis [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: calorimetric_analysis=.false.
do calorimetric energy-transfer and neutrino-energy reconstruction (for each QE, Delta, ...)
neutrinoAnalysis/reconstruct_neutrino_energy [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: reconstruct_neutrino_energy=.false.
reconstruct neutrino energy for final state in "specificEvent_analysis"
.true. must be combined with specificEvent_analysis=.true. and at least one specific event .true.
neutrinoAnalysis/specificEvent_analysis [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: specificEvent_analysis=.false.
do analysis for specific final states
neutrinoAnalysis/no_pi [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: no_pi=.false.
do analysis for specific final states: specificEvent=1, no_pi (for example, for QE-like MiniBooNE)
neutrinoAnalysis/p_Xn_no_pi [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: p_Xn_no_pi=.false.
do analysis for specific final states: specificEvent=2
neutrinoAnalysis/piplus [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: piplus=.false.
do analysis for specific final states: specificEvent=3, 1 pi+ X nucleons mesons of other flavor
neutrinoAnalysis/piplus_MULTI [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: piplus_MULTI=.false.
do analysis for specific final states: specificEvent=4 >=1 pi+ X other pions (incl pi+) X nucleons
neutrinoAnalysis/pi0 [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: pi0=.false.
do analysis for specific final states: specificEvent=5, 1 pi0 X nucleons, plus mesons of other flavor
neutrinoAnalysis/pi0_MULTI [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: pi0_MULTI=.false.
do analysis for specific final states: specificEvent=6, >=1 pi0 X other pions X nucleons, (pi0 K2K)
neutrinoAnalysis/piminus [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: piminus=.false.
do analysis for specific final states: specificEvent=7 1 pi- X other pions X nucleons
neutrinoAnalysis/piminus_MULTI [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: piminus_MULTI=.false.
do analysis for specific final states: specificEvent=8 >=1 pi- X other pions X nucleons
neutrinoAnalysis/pp_no_pi [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: pp_no_pi=.false.
do analysis for specific final states: specificEvent=9 2 protons, X neutrons, 0 pions
neutrinoAnalysis/pn_no_pi [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: pn_no_pi=.false.
do analysis for specific final states: specificEvent=10 1 neutron, 1 proton, 0 pions
neutrinoAnalysis/nn_no_pi [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: nn_no_pi=.false.
do analysis for specific final states: specificEvent=11 2 neutrons, X protons, 0 pions
neutrinoAnalysis/pp_Xn_no_pi [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: pp_Xn_no_pi=.false.
do analysis for specific final states: specificEvent=12 2 protons, X neutrons, 0 pions
neutrinoAnalysis/nn_Xp_no_pi [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: nn_Xp_no_pi=.false.
do analysis for specific final states: specificEvent=13 2 neutrons, X protons, 0 pions
neutrinoAnalysis/ppp_Xn_no_pi [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: ppp_Xn_no_pi=.false.
do analysis for specific final states: specificEvent=14 3 protons, X neutrons, 0 pions
neutrinoAnalysis/pppp_Xn_no_pi [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: pppp_Xn_no_pi=.false.
do analysis for specific final states: specificEvent=15 4 protons, X neutrons, 0 pions
neutrinoAnalysis/p_no_pi [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: p_no_pi=.false.
do analysis for specific final states: specificEvent=16 1 proton, 0 neutron, 0 pion
neutrinoAnalysis/n_no_pi [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: n_no_pi=.false.
do analysis for specific final states: specificEvent=17 1 neutron, 0 proton, 0 pion
neutrinoAnalysis/Xn_no_pi [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: Xn_no_pi=.false.
do analysis for specific final states: specificEvent=18, 0 proton, X neutrons, 0 pions
neutrinoAnalysis/excl_hadron [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: excl_hadron=.false.
do analysis for specific final states: specificEvent=19,20,21 exclusive 1 pion, no other pions or other mesons of different flavor There could be still other mesons which are heavier than the D, Such events (very rare at DUNE energies) could be counted as exclusive single-meson cross section. This could be cured by extending the list of stable mesons
neutrinoAnalysis/full_incl [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: full_incl=.true.
do analysis for specific final states: specificEvent=22 fully inclusive event, all hadrons in final state
neutrinoAnalysis/QEp [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical :: QEp=.false.
if .true, do analysis for specific analysis for QE-like event with 1 mu, 0 pi, X p
neutrinoAnalysis/pcut [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: pcut = 0.0
determines lower acceptance cut for outgoing protons
values can be changed in the namelist neutrinoAnalysis via the variable kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold_nucleon
neutrinoAnalysis/binsizeQ2 [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: binsizeQ2=0.01
do analysis for specific final states: binning for reconstruction of Q2 and Enu
neutrinoAnalysis/binsizeEnu [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: binsizeEnu=0.02
do analysis for specific final states: binning for reconstruction of Q2 and Enu
neutrinoAnalysis/maxQ2 [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: maxQ2=5.0
do analysis for specific final states: max values for reconstruction of Q2 and Enu
neutrinoAnalysis/maxEnu [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: maxEnu=5.0
do analysis for specific final states: max values for reconstruction of Q2 and Enu
neutrinoAnalysis/outputEvents [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: outputEvents = .false.
If .true. then all events are written to the file 'FinalEvents.dat'.
neutrinoAnalysis/outputEvents_lepIn [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: outputEvents_lepIn = .false.
If outputEvents == .true., then also the incoming lepton is written as a documentation line if this flag is .true.
neutrinoAnalysis/outputEvents_Residuum [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: outputEvents_Residuum = .false.
If outputEvents == .true., then also the residuum is written as a documentation line if this flag is .true.
neutrinoAnalysis/Xsection_analysis [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: Xsection_analysis = .false.
If .true. then files "..._total_Xsection_..." and "..._dSigmadEkin_..." are printed.
neutrinoAnalysis/doPipe [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: doPipe = .false.
If .true. then events are not written to the file 'FinalEvents.dat', but insted written into a named pipe (fifo) with the name fileNamePipe.
neutrinoAnalysis/fileNamePipe [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
character(len=1000), save :: fileNamePipe = ""
name of the pipe to be used
neutrinoAnalysis/DoOutChannels [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: DoOutChannels = .false.
switch on/off: reporting of all final state channels
neutrinoAnalysis/OutChannelsFak [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
real, save :: OutChannelsFak = 1.0
additional scaling of the cross section output of OutChanbels analysis
neutrinoAnalysis/readinput [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine readinput
This subroutine reads the namelist "neutrinoAnalysis". Only called once to initialize the module.
neutrinoAnalysis/NeutrinoAnalysis [ Namelists ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Namelists ]
NAMELIST /NeutrinoAnalysis/
This namelist includes:
- detailed_diff_output
- include_W_dist
- kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold_lepton
- AngleUpperDetectionThresholdDegrees_lepton
- kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold_nucleon
- AngleUpperDetectionThresholdDegrees_nucleon
- kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold_chargedpion
- AngleUpperDetectionThresholdDegrees_chargedpion
- kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold_neutralpion
- AngleUpperDetectionThresholdDegrees_neutralpion
- applyCuts
- Fissum_analysis
- ZeroPion_analysis
- calorimetric_analysis
- radialScale
- reconstruct_neutrino_energy
- outputEvents
- outputEvents_lepIn
- outputEvents_Residuum
- specificEvent_analysis
- Xsection_analysis
- doPipe
- fileNamePipe
- DoOutChannels
- OutChannelsFak
neutrinoAnalysis/W_distributions [ Namelists ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Namelists ]
NAMELIST /W_distributions/
This Namelist includes:
neutrinoAnalysis/nl_calorimetric_analysis [ Namelists ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Namelists ]
NAMELIST /nl_calorimetric_analysis/
This Namelist includes:
neutrinoAnalysis/nl_specificEvent [ Namelists ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Namelists ]
NAMELIST /nl_specificEvent/
This namelist includes:
- no_pi
- p_Xn_no_pi
- piplus
- piplus_MULTI
- pi0
- pi0_MULTI
- piminus
- piminus_MULTI
- pp_no_pi
- pn_no_pi
- nn_no_pi
- pp_Xn_no_pi
- nn_Xp_no_pi
- ppp_Xn_no_pi
- pppp_Xn_no_pi
- p_no_pi
- n_no_pi
- Xn_no_pi
- excl_pi0
- excl_piplus
- excl_piminus
- full_incl
- binsizeQ2
- binsizeEnu
- maxQ2
- maxEnu
- excl_hadron
- QEp
neutrinoAnalysis/detailed_diff [ Namelists ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Namelists ]
NAMELIST /detailed_diff/
This namelist includes:
- EkinMin
- EkinMax
- dEkin
- forPion
- forEta
- forKaon
- forKaonBar
- forDmeson
- forDbar
- forDs_plus
- forDs_minus
- forNucleon
- forLambda
- forSigmaResonance
- forXi
- forOmegaResonance
neutrinoAnalysis/neutrino_Analyze [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine neutrino_Analyze(Particles,finalFlag,num_runs_sameEnergy,beforeRun)
- type(particle), intent(in),dimension(:,:) :: Particles -- Particles which shall be analyzed
- logical, intent(in) :: finalFlag -- if .true. than the final output for a series of calls will be done
- integer :: num_runs_sameEnergy
- logical, optional :: beforeRUN -- flag, whether this routine is called before all timesteps (i.e. directly after init) or at the end of a run
neutrinoAnalysis/Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities.dat
The file is produced in the runs with eventtype=5=neutrino .
The file shows the cross sections for preselected final states
- For process_ID=CC and NC the units 10^{-38} cm^2 for integrated xsec (10^{-38)cm^2/GeV for dsigma/dElepton, 10^{-38)cm^2/GeV^2 for dsigma/dQ^2, and so on)
- For process_ID=EM the units are nanobarns=10^{-33}cm^2
- #1: variable which was raised (e.g. Q^2 for nuXsectionMode=3=dSigmadQs mode, Elepton for nuXsectionMode=2=dSigmadQsdElepton and so on)
- #2-#119: see description in AnaEvent.f90, subroutine event_sigma OR in the output file sigma.dat The description of some columns is given below In each channel the outgoing lepton is presupposed (unless explicitely stated otherwise)
Some columns in detail:
- #2: 1 pi-, no other pions of any charge and anything else
- #3: 1 pi0, no other pions of any charge and anything else
- #4: 1 pi+, no other pions of any charge and anything else
- #5: 1 eta and anything else
- #14: 1 neutron, no other nucleons and anything else
- #15: 1 proton, no other nucleons and anything else
- #68: 1 nucleon and 1 pion, no other pions or nucleons, anything else
- #68: 1 proton (no other nucleons) and 0 pions and anything else (QE-like in Cherenkov detector)
- #69: 0 pions and anything else
- #70: at least 1 pi-, any number of pi0 and/or pi+ , anything else, each event is counted once
- #71: at least 1 pi0, any number of pi- and/or pi+ , anything else, each event is counted once
- #72: at least 1 pi+, any number of pi- and/or pi0 , anything else, each event is counted once
- #91: at least 1 pi0, any number of pi- and/or pi+ , anything else, each pi0 is counted
- #96: no nucleons, anything else
- #97: 5 or more nucleons, anything else
- #120-#239: errors to Columns #2-#119
neutrinoAnalysis/Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_QE.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_QE.dat
The same as Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities.dat but for QE events (=the first interaction was quasielastic or elastic scattering)
neutrinoAnalysis/neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_Delta.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_Delta.dat
The same as Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities.dat but for Delta events (=the first interaction was production of the Delta resonance)
neutrinoAnalysis/Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_highRES.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_highRES.dat
The same as Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities.dat but for highRES events (=the first interaction was production any resonance beyond Delta)
neutrinoAnalysis/Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_1piBG.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_1piBG.dat
The same as Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities.dat but for 1piBG events (=the first interaction was background production of 1-pion final state)
neutrinoAnalysis/Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_DIS.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_DIS.dat
The same as Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities.dat but for DIS events (=the first interaction was DIS)
neutrinoAnalysis/Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_2p2h.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_2p2h.dat
The same as Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities.dat but for 2particle-2hole events
neutrinoAnalysis/Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_gen0.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_gen0.dat
The same as Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities.dat for particles of the 0th generation The definition of generation is given in history.f90, description of the module "history"
neutrinoAnalysis/Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_gen1.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_gen1.dat
The same as Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities.dat for particles of the 1st generation The definition of generation is given in history.f90, description of the module "history"
neutrinoAnalysis/Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_gen2.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_gen2.dat
The same as Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities.dat for particles of the 2nd generation The definition of generation is given in history.f90, description of the module "history"
neutrinoAnalysis/Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_gen3ormore.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities_gen3ormore.dat
The same as Neutrino_total_Xsection_multiplicities.dat for particles of the 3rd-or-more generation The definition of generation is given in history.f90, description of the module "history"
neutrinoAnalysis/Neutrino_total_Xsection.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file Neutrino_total_Xsection.dat
The file is produced in the runs with eventtype=5=neutrino .
The file shows the total cross sections after final state interactions for pions, protons and neutrons The cross sections are semi-inclusive, i.e. for pi+, they may contain events with only one pi+, but also events with pi+pi0.
- For process_ID=CC and NC: 10^{-38} cm^2/GeV for integrated xsec and so on ..
- For process_ID=EM: nanobarns=10^{-33}cm^2/ GeV and so on.
- All cross sections are given per nucleon (1/A)
- The various columns in this file are labeld by the particle species
neutrinoAnalysis/Neutrino_kinetic_energy_Xsection.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file Neutrino_kinetic_energy_Xsection.dat
The file is produced in the runs with eventtype=5=neutrino .
The file shows the kinetic energy differential cross sections after final state interactions for pions, protons and neutrons
- For process_ID=CC and NC: 10^{-38} cm^2/GeV for integrated xsec and so on ..
- For process_ID=EM: nanobarns=10^{-33}cm^2/ GeV and so on.
- All cross sections are given per nucleon (1/A)
- #1: variable which was raised (e.g. Q^2 for nuXsectionMode=3=dSigmadQs mode, Elepton for nuXsectionMode=2=dSigmadQsdElepton and so on)
- #2: kinetic energy in GeV
- #3: xsec for events with at least one pi- in the final state (coincides with column 2 in diff_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_pi_charge_-1_MULTI.dat)
- #4: xsec for events with at least one pi0 (coincides with column 2 in diff_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_pi_charge_+0_MULTI.dat)
- #5: xsec for events with at least one pi+ (coincides with column 2 in diff_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_pi_charge_+1_MULTI.dat)
- #6: xsec for events with at least one neutron (coincides with column 2 in diff_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_N_charge_+0_MULTI.dat)
- #7: xsec for events with at least one proton (coincides with column 2 in diff_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_N_charge_+1_MULTI.dat)
HERE XXX=000,001, ... is the count of the raise variable
neutrinoAnalysis/Neutrino_Xsection_numbers.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file Neutrino_Xsection_numbers.dat
The file is produced in the runs with eventtype=5=neutrino .
The file shows number of nucleons produced in one run before and after final state interactions (should be devided by numEnsembles to obtain the average multiplicity per target nucleus and divided further by target_A to obtain the average multiplicity per target nucleon)
- #1: variable which was raised (e.g. Q^2 for nuXsectionMode=3=dSigmadQs mode, Elepton for nuXsectionMode=2=dSigmadQsdElepton and so on)
- #2: all the protons produced before final state interactions (FSI)
- #3: protons that made it out of the nucleus after FSI
- #4: protons produced in generation 0 and made it out of the nucleus after FSI
- #5: protons produced in generation 1 and made it out of the nucleus after FSI
- #6: protons produced in generation 2 and made it out of the nucleus after FSI
- #7: protons produced in generation 3-or-more and made it out of the nucleus after FSI
- #8: all the neutrons produced before FSI
- #9: neutrons that made it out of the nucleus after FSI
- #10: neutrons produced in generation 0 and made it out of the nucleus after FSI
- #11: neutrons produced in generation 1 and made it out of the nucleus after FSI
- #12: neutrons produced in generation 2 and made it out of the nucleus after FSI
- #13: neutrons produced in generation 3-or-more and made it out of the nucleus after FSI
- #14: all the antiprotons produced before FSI
- #15: antiprotons that made it out of the nucleus after FSI
- #16: antiprotons produced in generation 0 and made it out of the nucleus after FSI
- #17: antiprotons produced in generation 1 and made it out of the nucleus after FSI
- #18: antiprotons produced in generation 2 and made it out of the nucleus after FSI
- #19: antiprotons produced in generation 3-or-more and made it out of the nucleus after FSI
neutrinoAnalysis/diff_ZZZ_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_HADRON_charge_CHARGE.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file diff_ZZZ_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_HADRON_charge_CHARGE.dat
- ZZZ denotes the origin (the first interaction vertex) of the event (see description in neutrino.EprimeCostplaneSX.ZZZ.dat).
If ZZZ is missing the total cross section (sum over all primary events) is given, otherwise ZZZ=Delta, DIS, ....
* XXX=000, 001, 002 --- the first, second, third and so on values of
the "raised variable" (e.g. Q^2 for nuXsectionMode=3=dSigmadQs mode, Elepton for nuXsectionMode=2=dSigmadQsdElepton and so on)
* HADRON = pion, N, K, K~, Lambda, SigmaResonance, eta
only those are shown, for which the switches in the namelist "detailed_diff" are set to .true. possible hadrons are contained in the field particleIDs defined in AnaEvent.f90
* CHARGE = charge of the outgoing hadron
The file is produced in runs with:
- eventtype=5=neutrino if switch "detailed_diff_output" in namelist "neutrinoAnalysis" the is set to .true.
- eventtype=3=LowPhoto if switch "dE_switch" in namelist "LowElePhoto_Analysis" is set to .true.
The file shows the cross sections for ___1-HADRON___ final state versus kinetic energy of the outgoing hadron (one HADRON of a given CHARGE and no HADRONs with same flavor, but different charges;
there could be additional hadrons with different flavor)
- For eventtype=5 and process_ID=CC and NC: 10^{-38} cm^2/GeV
- For eventtype=5 and process_ID=EM: nanobarns=10^{-33}cm^2/GeV
- For eventtype=3: microbarns=10^{-30}cm^2/GeV
- All cross sections are given per nucleon (1/A)
- #1: kinetic energy of the outgoing HADRON of given CHARGE [GeV]
- #2: dsi/dEkin xsec
- #3: number of events contributed (only for internal use, you can safely neglect it)
- #4: xsec-statistical-error
neutrinoAnalysis/diff_ZZZ_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_HADRON_charge_CHARGE_1X.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file diff_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_HADRON_charge_CHARGE_1X.dat
The same as diff_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_HADRON_charge_CHARGE.dat but for ___1-HADRON-X___ final state (one HADRON of a given CHARGE and any number of HADRONs of different charges)
neutrinoAnalysis/diff_ZZZ_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_HADRON_charge_CHARGE_2X.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file diff_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_HADRON_charge_CHARGE_2X.dat
The same as diff_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_HADRON_charge_CHARGE.dat but for ___2-HADRON-X___ final state (two HADRONs of a given CHARGE and any number of HADRONs of different charges)
neutrinoAnalysis/diff_ZZZ_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_HADRON_charge_CHARGE_MULTI.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file diff_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_HADRON_charge_CHARGE_MULTI.dat
The same as diff_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_HADRON_charge_CHARGE.dat but for ___MULTI-HADRON___ final state (at least one HADRON of a given CHARGE and any number of HADRONs of different charges)
neutrinoAnalysis/diff_ZZZ_XXX_dSigma_dEcostheta_HADRON_charge_CHARGE.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file diff_XXX_dSigma_dEcostheta_HADRON_charge_CHARGE.dat
file diff_XXX_dSigma_dEcostheta_HADRON_charge_CHARGE_1X.dat
file diff_XXX_dSigma_dEcostheta_HADRON_charge_CHARGE_2X.dat
file diff_XXX_dSigma_dEcostheta_HADRON_charge_CHARGE_MULTI.dat)
The same as diff_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_HADRON_charge_CHARGE.dat but dsigma/d(E(1-cosTheta))
The file is produced in runs with:
- eventtype=5=neutrino if switch "detailed_diff_output" in namelist "neutrinoAnalysis" the is set to .true.
The file shows the cross sections dsigma/d(E(1-cosTheta)) versus E*(1-costheta), where E is the energy (full energy, not kinetic) of the outgoing hadron, costheta its polar scattering angle (recall here that in neutrino runs neutrinos are moving along z-direction)
- #1: E*(1-cosTheta) [GeV]
- #2: dsi/d(E(1-costheta)) xsec
- #3: number of events contributed (only for internal use, you can safely neglect it)
- #4: xsec-statistical-error
neutrinoAnalysis/diff_ZZZ_XXX_dSigma_dTheta_HADRON_charge_CHARGE.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file diff_XXX_dSigma_dTheta_HADRON_charge_CHARGE.dat
file diff_XXX_dSigma_dTheta_HADRON_charge_CHARGE_1X.dat
file diff_XXX_dSigma_dTheta_HADRON_charge_CHARGE_2X.dat
file diff_XXX_dSigma_dTheta_HADRON_charge_CHARGE_MULTI.dat
The same as diff_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_HADRON_charge_CHARGE.dat but dsigma/dTheta
The file is produced in runs with:
- eventtype=5=neutrino if switch "detailed_diff_output" in namelist "neutrinoAnalysis" the is set to .true.
- eventtype=3=LowPhoto if switch "dTheta_switch" in namelist "LowElePhoto_Analysis" is set to .true.
The file shows the cross sections dsigma/dTheta versus Theta, where Theta is the polar scattering angle (in radians) of the outgoing hadron (recall here that in neutrino runs neutrinos are moving along z-direction)
- #1: Theta [radians]
- #2: dsi/dTheta xsec
- #3: number of events contributed (only for internal use, you can safely neglect it)
- #4: xsec-statistical-error
neutrinoAnalysis/diff_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_lepton_PPP.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file diff_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_lepton_PPP.dat
- XXX=000, 001, 002 --- the first, second, third and so on values of the "raised variable" (e.g. Q^2 for nuXsectionMode=3=dSigmadQs mode, Elepton for nuXsectionMode=2=dSigmadQsdElepton and so on)
- PPP = no_pi, p_Xn_no_pi, piplus, pi0, .... (see namelist nl_specificEvent for the full list) standing for the specific final state under consideration
The file is produced in runs with:
- eventtype=5=neutrino if switch "specificEvent_Analysis" in namelist "neutrinoAnalysis" the is set to .true. and specific final states in the namelist "nl_specificEvent" are set to .true.
The file shows the cross sections for a specific final state versus kinetic energy of the outgoing lepton
- For eventtype=5 and process_ID=CC and NC: 10^{-38} cm^2/GeV
- For eventtype=5 and process_ID=EM: nanobarns=10^{-33}cm^2/GeV
- #1: kinetic energy of the outgoing lepton [GeV]
- #2: dsi/dEkin xsec per nucleon
- #3: number of events contributed (only for internal use, you can safely neglect it)
- #4: xsec-statistical-error
neutrinoAnalysis/diff_XXX_dSigma_dQ2_lepton_PPP.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file diff_XXX_dSigma_dQ2_lepton_PPP.dat
The same as diff_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_lepton_PPP.dat but for dsigma/dQ2
The file shows the cross sections for a specific final state versus Q2
- For eventtype=5 and process_ID=CC and NC: 10^{-38} cm^2/GeV^2
- For eventtype=5 and process_ID=EM: nanobarns=10^{-33}cm^2/GeV^2
- All cross sections are given per nucleon (1/A)
- #1: Q2 [GeV^2] squared transfer momentum (Q2 = -q_mu \cdot q^\mu)
- #2: dsi/dQ2 xsec
- #3: number of events contributed (only for internal use, you can safely neglect it)
- #4: xsec-statistical-error
neutrinoAnalysis/diff_XXX_dSigma_dQ2p_lepton_PPP.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file diff_XXX_dSigma_dQ2p_lepton_PPP.dat
The same as diff_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_lepton_PPP.dat but for dsigma/dQ2
The file shows the cross sections for a final state with 1 mu, 0 pi , and (at least) 1 p versus Q2 here Q2 is calculated from the kinematics of the outgoing leading proton: Q2prot = (mProt - epsB)**2 - mProt**2 &
& + 2*(mNeut - epsB)*(Tp + mProt - mNeut + epsB)
This distribution can be converted into a kinetic energy distribution of protons in 0pion events
- For eventtype=5 and process_ID=CC and NC: 10^{-38} cm^2/GeV^2
- For eventtype=5 and process_ID=EM: nanobarns=10^{-33}cm^2/GeV^2
- All cross sections are given per nucleon (1/A)
- #1: Q2 [GeV^2] squared transfer momentum, from proton kinematics
- #2: dsi/dQ2 xsec
- #3: number of events contributed (only for internal use, you can safely neglect it)
- #4: xsec-statistical-error
neutrinoAnalysis/diff_XXX_dSigma_dcos_lepton_PPP.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file diff_XXX_dSigma_dcos_lepton_PPP.dat
The same as diff_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_lepton_PPP.dat but for dsigma/dcos(theta_l)
The file shows the cross sections for a specific final state versus cos of the scattering angle of the outgoin lepton (with respect to neutrino direction)
- For eventtype=5 and process_ID=CC and NC: 10^{-38} cm^2
- For eventtype=5 and process_ID=EM: nanobarns=10^{-33}cm^2
- #1: cos(theta_l) cos of the scattering angle of the outgoing lepton
- #2: dsi/dcos(theta_l) xsec
- #3: number of events contributed (only for internal use, you can safely neglect it)
- #4: xsec-statistical-error
neutrinoAnalysis/diff_XXX_d2Sigma_dEdcost_lepton_no_pi.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file diff_XXX_d2Sigma_dEdcost_lepton_no_pi.dat
Double differential cross section d2sigma/(dE dcostheta) for outgoing lepton for 0-pi events
The file contains the cross section for the outgoing lepton versus cos of the scattering angle of the outgoing lepton (with respect to neutrino direction) and its total energy for 0-pion events
- For eventtype=5 and process_ID=CC and NC: 10^{-38} cm^2
- For eventtype=5 and process_ID=EM: nanobarns=10^{-33}cm^2
- All cross sections are given per nucleon (1/A)
- #1: total energy of the outgoing lepton (in GeV)
- #2: cos(theta_l) cos of the scattering angle of the outgoing lepton
- #3: d2si/(dcos(theta_l) dE_l) dd-xsec
the following columns not implemented yet * #4: number of events contributed (only for internal use, you can
safely neglect it)
* #5: xsec-statistical-error
neutrinoAnalysis/diff_XXX_d2Sigma_dpLdpT_lepton_no_pi.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file diff_XXX_d2Sigma_dpLdpT_lepton_no_pi.dat
Double differential cross section d2sigma/(dpL dpT) for outgoing lepton for 0-pi events
The file contains the cross section for the outgoing lepton vs longitudinal and transverse momentum of the outgoing lepton for 0-pion events
- For eventtype=5 and process_ID=CC and NC: 10^{-38} cm^2
- For eventtype=5 and process_ID=EM: nanobarns=10^{-33}cm^2
- All cross sections are given per nucleon (1/A)
- #1: p_T longitudinal momentum of the outgoing lepton (in GeV)
- #2: p_L longitudinal momentum of the outgoing lepton (in GeV)
- #3: d2si//dpL dpT) dd-xsec
the following columns not implemented yet * #4: number of events contributed (only for internal use, you can safely neglect it) * #5: xsec-statistical-error
neutrinoAnalysis/diff_XXX_dSigma_dW_nucleon_pion_charge_CHARGE.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file diff_XXX_dSigma_dW_nucleon_pion_charge_CHARGE.dat
Similar to diff_XXX_dSigma_dEkin_HADRON_charge_CHARGE.dat (see notations XXX and CHARGE there) but gives pion-nucleon invariant mass (W) distribution (true invariant mass with the sum of the 4-momenta of the outgoing particles, W^2=(p_1out+p_2out) as opposed to widely used W2=mN2+2*mN*nu-Q2 from lepton kinematics ) for events with ___1pion___ AND ___1nucleon___ in the final state
neutrinoAnalysis/diff_XXX_dSigma_dW_muon_nucleon_charge_CHARGE.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file diff_XXX_dSigma_dW_muon_nucleon_charge_CHARGE.dat
The same as diff_XXX_dSigma_dW_nucleon_pion_charge_CHARGE.dat but for the muon-nucleon invariant mass distribution
Note that CHARGE is still a pion charge
neutrinoAnalysis/diff_XXX_dSigma_dW_muon_pion_charge_CHARGE.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file diff_XXX_dSigma_dW_muon_pion_charge_CHARGE.dat
The same as diff_XXX_dSigma_dW_nucleon_pion_charge_CHARGE.dat but for the muon-pion invariant mass distribution
Note that CHARGE is still a pion charge
neutrinoAnalysis/FinalEvents.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file FinalEvents.dat
The file contains positions and four-vectors of all outgoing particles from an event.
For a cross-section construction all of the events have to be weighted with the 'perweight' values in col. 5. The final differential cross section dsigma/dE, for example, then is obtained by first binning all the events with respect to the energy. Then the perweights have to be summed within each bit. To obtain the differential cross section the sum of weights in each bin has to be divided by the bin width. In addition, the number of runs at same energy (>1 for better statistics) has to be divided out. The resulting cross section is per nucleon (1/A). Its units are 10^{-38} cm^2 for neutrinos and 10^{-33} cm^2 for electrons.
The output of this file is switched on by the switch 'outputEvents'.
- #1: run number (from 1 to num_runs_SameEnergy)
- #2: event number (from 1 to ... less then target_A*numEnsembles)
- #3: ID of the outgoing particle (for antiparticles times factor -1)
- #4: charge of the outgoing particle
- #5: perweight of the event
- #6-#8: position of the outgoing particle (=0 for outgoing lepton)
- #9-#12: 4-momentum of the outgoing particle in GeV
- #13: history of the outgoing particle (see history.f90 for def)
- #14: production_ID (type of the first event: 1=QE, 2=Delta, 34=DIS)
- #15: incoming neutrino energy
If the switch outputEvents_lepIn==.true., then the first line contains the incoming lepton (with weight 0).
If the switch outputEvents_Residuum==.true., then also a line containing the 'residuum' after all FSI is printed (with weight 0). Here the ID is given by 1000+A' and the charge by Z', where A' and Z' are the remaining nuclear mass and charge of the nucleus, when nucleons are hit by FSI. The momentum in this line is the sum of the momenta of the hit nucleons. (cf. namelist 'residue_Input'; set there DetermineResidue=T, mode=2)
There is always in each event a particle with weight 0. This is the nucleon on which the initial interaction happened.
In the case of an initial 2p2h process the second initial-state nucleon is not written out. It is chosen to be at the same place as the first initial nucleon (the one with weight=0), with a randomly chosen momentum in the Fermi-sea.
For large target_A, numEnsembles and num_runs_SameEnergy, this file may become very large, e.g.:
- target_A=12, 1000ens x 20runs, QE and Delta results in 41 Mb
- target_A=56, 2000ens x 5runs, QE,Delta,highRES,1piBG,DIS results in 500 Mb
neutrinoAnalysis/production_ID [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
contains info on the very first neutrino-interaction with the nucleus:
- 1: nucleon (QE)
- 2-31: non-strange baryon resonance (as in IdTable)
- 32: pi neutron-background (e.g. nu + n -> mu + pi+ + n)
- 33: pi proton-background (e.g. nu + n -> mu + pi0 + p)
- 34: DIS
- 35: 2p2h QE
- 36: 2p2h Delta
- 37: two pion background
neutrinoAnalysis/reconstruction_Enureal_PPP.ZZZ.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file reconstruction_Enureal_PPP.ZZZ.dat
Similar to reconstruction_Enurec_PPP.ZZZ.dat, but for true neutrino energy
The file shows the event distribution (flux times xsec) versus true neutrino energy for a specific final state The file is produced only for the runs with a neutrino flux (in the namelist "neutrino_induced" nuXsectionMode > 10, nuExp>0)
The file is not affected by cuts on outgoing lepton's angle and energy
- #1: true neutrino energy [GeV]
- #2: event distribution: normalized flux times xsec
- #3: number of events contributed (only for internal use, you can safely neglect it)
- #4: statistical-error of #2
neutrinoAnalysis/reconstruction_Enurec_PPP.ZZZ.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file reconstruction_Enurec_PPP.ZZZ.dat
- PPP = no_pi, p_Xn_no_pi, piplus, pi0, .... (see namelist nl_specificEvent for the full list) standing for the specific final state under consideration
- ZZZ=000 - 008 is the origin (the first interaction vertex) of the event (see description in neutrino.EprimeCostplaneXS.ZZZ.dat)
The file shows the event distribution (normalized flux times xsec) versus reconstructed neutrino energy (see arXiv:1208.3678 [nucl-th]) for a specific final state
Reconstruction method depends on a specific process; * generally for no_pion events it is based on QE-like kinematics * and for pion events it is based on on-shell-Delta-creation assumption
The file is produced in runs with:
- eventtype=5=neutrino if switch "reconstruct_neutrino_energy" is set to .true. and switch "specificEvent_Analysis" in namelist "neutrinoAnalysis" is set to .true. and specific final states in the namelist "nl_specificEvent" are set to .true.
The file is not affected by cuts on outgoing lepton's angle and energy
- For eventtype=5 and process_ID=CC and NC: 10^{-38} cm^2/GeV
- For eventtype=5 and process_ID=EM: nanobarns=10^{-33}cm^2/GeV
- All x-sec per particle (1/A)
- #1: reconstructed neutrino energy [GeV]
- #2: event distribution: flux times xsec)
- #3: number of events contributed (only for internal use, you can safely neglect it)
- #4: statistical-error of #2
neutrinoAnalysis/reconstruction_Enu_rec_versus_real_PPP.ZZZ.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file reconstruction_Enu_rec_versus_real_PPP.ZZZ.dat
Similar to reconstruction_Enurec_PPP.ZZZ.dat, but double-differential
The file shows the 2-D density of the flux times xsec (see arXiv:1208.3678 [nucl-th]) versus true and reconstructed neutrino energies for a specific final state The file is produced only for the runs with a neutrino flux (in the namelist "neutrino_induced" nuXsectionMode > 10, nuExp>0)
- For event_type=5 and process_ID=CC and NC: 10^{-38} cm^2/GeV^2
- All xsec per particle (1/A)
- #1: true neutrino energy [GeV]
- #2: reconstructed neutrino energy [GeV]
- #3: flux-folded xsec
- #4: number of events contributed (only for internal use, you can safely neglect it)
- #5: xsec-statistical-error
up to normalization this is "migration matrix" between true and reconstructed energies The file is not affected by cuts on outgoing lepton's angle and energy
neutrinoAnalysis/reconstruction_Q2real_PPP.ZZZ.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file reconstruction_Q2real_PPP.ZZZ.dat
Similar to reconstruction_Enurec_PPP.ZZZ.dat, but for the true Q2
The file contains the flux averaged cross section dsigma/dQ2, i.e. integral \int \Phi(E) dsigma/dQ2 (E) dE, versus true Q2 for a specific final state The file is not affected by cuts on outgoing lepton's angle and energy
- For eventtype=5 and process_ID=CC and NC: 10^{-38} cm^2/GeV^2
- For eventtype=5 and process_ID=EM (one can run it, but makes no physical sense): nanobarns=10^{-33}cm^2/GeV^2
- All xsec per particle (1/A)
- #1: true Q2 [GeV^2] (squared momentum transfer Q2 = - q_mu \cdot q^mu)
- #2: flux-averaged dsigma/dQ2true
- #3: number of events contributed (only for internal use, you can safely neglect it)
- #4: xsec-statistical-error
neutrinoAnalysis/reconstruction_Q2rec_PPP.ZZZ.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file reconstruction_Q2rec_PPP.ZZZ.dat
Similar to reconstruction_Enurec_PPP.ZZZ.dat, but for the reconstructed Q2 (see arXiv:1208.3678 [nucl-th])
The file contains the flux averaged cross section dsigma/dQ2, i.e. integral \int \Phi(E) dsigma/dQ2 (E) dE, versus reconstructed Q2 for a specific final state The file is not affected by cuts on outgoing lepton's angle and energy
- For eventtype=5 and process_ID=CC and NC: 10^{-38} cm^2/GeV^2
- For eventtype=5 and process_ID=EM (one can run it, but makes no physical sense): nanobarns=10^{-33}cm^2/GeV^2
- All xsec per particle (1/A)
- #1: reconstructed Q2 [GeV^2] = - q_mu \cdot q^mu)
- #2: flux-averaged dsigma/dQ2rec
- #3: number of events contributed (only for internal use, you can safely neglect it)
- #4: xsec-statistical-error
neutrinoAnalysis/reconstruction_Q2_rec_versus_real_PPP.ZZZ.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file reconstruction_Q2_rec_versus_real_PPP.ZZZ.dat
Similar to reconstruction_Enurec_PPP.ZZZ.dat, but double-differential in Q2
The file shows the dsigma/dQ2true dQ2rec distribution versus true and reconstructed Q^2 for a specific final state The file is not affected by cuts on outgoing lepton's angle and energy
- For eventtype=5 and process_ID=CC and NC: 10^{-38} cm^2/GeV^4
- For eventtype=5 and process_ID=EM (one can run it, but makes no physical sense): nanobarns=10^{-33}cm^2/GeV^4
- All cross sections are given per nucleon (1/A)
- #1: true Q2 [GeV^2]
- #2: reconstructed Q2 [GeV^2]
- #3: dsigma/dQ2true dQ2rec
- #4: number of events contributed (only for internal use, you can safely neglect it)
- #5: xsec-statistical-error
neutrinoAnalysis/oscillations_UUU_real_PPP.ZZZ.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file oscillations_UUU_real_PPP.ZZZ.dat
- UUU = "mumu", "mue", "mue_max", "mue_antimax" for oscillation of a given experimental flux for muon_neutrino survival ("mumu"), mu_e appearance with delta_CP=0 ("mue"), delta_CP=pi ("mue_max"), delta_CP=-pi ("mue_antimax")
- PPP = no_pi, p_Xn_no_pi, piplus, pi0, .... (see namelist nl_specificEvent for the full list) standing for the specific final state under consideration
- ZZZ=000 - 008 is the origin (the first interaction vertex) of the event (see description in neutrino.EprimeCostplaneXS.ZZZ.dat)
The file is not affected by cuts on outgoing lepton's angle and energy
Similar to reconstruction_Enureal_PPP.ZZZ.dat, but for oscillated neutrino flux
- #1: true neutrino energy [GeV]
- #2: flux-folded xsec
- #3: number of events contributed (only for internal use, you can safely neglect it)
- #4: xsec-statistical-error
neutrinoAnalysis/oscillations_UUU_rec_PPP.ZZZ.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file oscillations_UUU_rec_PPP.ZZZ.dat
- UUU = "mumu", "mue", "mue_max", "mue_antimax" for oscillation of a given experimental flux for muon_neutrino survival ("mumu"), mu_e appearance with delta_CP=0 ("mue"), delta_CP=pi ("mue_max"), delta_CP=-pi ("mue_antimax")
- PPP = no_pi, p_Xn_no_pi, piplus, pi0, .... (see namelist nl_specificEvent for the full list) standing for the specific final state under consideration
- ZZZ=000 - 008 is the origin (the first interaction vertex) of the event (see description in neutrino.EprimeCostplaneXS.ZZZ.dat) The file is not affected by cuts on outgoing lepton's angle and energy
Similar to reconstruction_Enurec_PPP.ZZZ.dat, but for oscillated neutrino flux
- #1: reconstructed neutrino energy [GeV]
- #2: event rate: flux times xsec
- #3: number of events contributed (only for internal use, you can safely neglect it)
- #4: xsec-statistical-error
neutrinoAnalysis/IsBound [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Functions ]
logical function IsBound(part)
return whether particle is bound (.true.) or not (.false.) This cut affects FinalEvents.dat
neutrinoAnalysis/IsBelowThreshold [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Functions ]
logical function IsBelowThreshold(part)
Returns .true. when a particle is below a given detection threshold This routine can be used to remove particles with kinetic energies and angles below specified detection thresholds. This cut affects FinalEvents.dat
neutrinoAnalysis/lepton_acceptance [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Functions ]
logical function lepton_acceptance
Returns .true. when the lepton is above a given kinetic energy and below a given angle, i.e. it is accepted
This routine can be used to remove all events with lepton kinetic energies below and angles below specified detection thresholds. If an event is not accepted it is not added to the full event in subroutine neutrino_Analyze. This cut affects FinalEvents.dat
neutrinoAnalysis/oscillationProbability [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine oscillationProbability(Enu,L,deltaCP, Posc_mumu,Posc_mue,Posc_mue_max,Posc_mue_antimax)
Prepare Calculation of Oscillation Probability
neutrinoAnalysis/PrintVals10 [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Subroutines ]
abbreviation used for many outputfiles: printing the vals stored in sigma, including its error
neutrinoAnalysis/PrintHeader10 [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ neutrinoAnalysis ] [ Subroutines ]
abbreviation used for many outputfiles: printing a header line