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/AnaEvent [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]


module AnaEvent


This module handles the type "tAnaEvent". It can be used for analyzing your particle vector. See e.g. lowElectronAnalysis.f90 for usage.

This module includes several subroutines to print out cross sections when given an array of events.

The routines given in this module belong to two categories: The first category are the more low-level routines, which act on building up an single tAnaEvent or dumping a list of tAnaEvent types, as e.g.:

On the other hand we have routines as:

which fill histograms by looping over a given list of tAnaEvent types. These are very complex.


No Namelist available.


%perweight should not include any dOmega or the such. The sum of all perweight should simply return the total cross section.

AnaEvent/particleIDs_flag [ Global module-variables ]

[ Top ] [ AnaEvent ] [ Global module-variables ]


  logical, dimension(1:numStableParts) :: particleIDs_flag = .true.


Flags to switch on/off output of special ID's, e.g. particleIDs_flag(1)=.false. means that there is no output for pions The array particleIDs is set in module AnaEventDefinition.f90

AnaEvent/set_particleIDs_flag [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ AnaEvent ] [ Subroutines ]


subroutine set_particleIDs_flag(flags)


Set the variable set_particleIDs_flag to a new value


  • logical, dimension(1:numStableParts) :: flags


  • sets particleIds_flag=flags

AnaEvent/event_sigma [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ AnaEvent ] [ Subroutines ]


subroutine event_sigma(E,sigma,newInit,runNumber,identifier)


  • Output for single particle production sigma(total), e.g. pi+, pi-
  • Output for double particle production sigma(total), e.g. 2pi, 2N
  • Output for three particle production sigma(total), e.g. 3pi, 3N
  • Output for four particle production sigma(total), e.g. 4pi, 4N


  • type(tAnaEvent), dimension(:) :: E -- List of events
  • real, dimension(1:dimSigma,1:2),intent(inout),optional :: sigma -- List of Xsection which is being updated in this routine First index: : channel Second index : 1=sum over runs( Xsection of each run), 2=sum over runs(( Xsection of each run)**2)
  • logical,intent(inout),optional :: newInit
  • integer,intent(inout),optional :: runNumber
  • real, optional :: identifier -- Plotted in column 1 of the output file, if not present than we plot runNumber there

The optional input variable sigma returns the evaluated cross sections.

If newInit=.true., then the input sigma is initialized again (=0). If newInit=.false., then the input is used as a result of earlier runs and the results of the present run are just added.

If .true. then we assume that runNumber is the number to use as a normalization for the histogram results; We assume that the Xsection contain the results of "runNumber" runs.


  • If there are more than one particle of the same species produced, then the event is not considered for the "single particle cross section". e.g. a pi^+ pi^0 event does not contribute to any of those cross sections.
  • If there are more than two particles of the same species produced, then the event is not considered for the "double particle cross section".
  • If there are more than three particles of the same species produced, then the event is not considered for the "three particle cross section".
  • If there are more than four particles of the same species produced, then the event is not considered for the "four particle cross section".

Note that e.g. 2pi/3pi means that two/three pions, no matter which charge, where found.

Note also that, e.g., "pi+ X" means that one piPlus was found. And if there is another particle of the same species, but with another charge, then we still count the event. E.g. for pi^+ pi^0 the event contributes both to "pi+ + X" and "pi0 + X"


AnaEvent/sigma.dat [ Output files ]

[ Top ] [ AnaEvent ] [ Output files ]


file sigma.dat


  • First column : Naming for different runs or runNumber
  • Columns 2-... : Single and multiparticle cross sections. The header of the file names the explicit channels.


Cf. documenation in AnaEvent/event_sigma for the definition of "single" and "multi" particle cross sections. Esp. note the exclusive aspects.

AnaEvent/event_dSigma_dOmega [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ AnaEvent ] [ Subroutines ]


subroutine event_dSigma_dOmega(E, dTheta, dPhi, string, runNumber, hists_theta, hists_phi, hists2D, initHists, makeOutputIn, sameFileNameIn)


Output for single particle production dsigma/dTheta and dsigma/dTheta/dPhi with dTheta,dPhi in units of sr=radian for all particle-IDs includede in "particleIDs" (see above) and all charge states.


  • type(tAnaEvent), dimension(:) :: E -- List of events
  • real :: dTheta,dPhi -- Delta(Theta) and Delta(Phi) in [Radian]
  • character(*) :: string -- used as prefix for all output file
  • integer :: runNumber -- number of the run =1,2,3,4...


  • type(histogram) intent(inout), dimension(lBound(particleIDs,dim=1):uBound(particleIDs,dim=1),-2:2) :: hists_theta,hists_phi
  • type(histogram2D), intent(inout), dimension(lBound(particleIDs,dim=1):uBound(particleIDs,dim=1),-2:2) :: hists2D
  • logical, intent(in) :: initHists
  • logical :: makeOutputIn -- Flag to switch off output (.false.=no output)
  • logical, intent(in) :: sameFileNameIn -- .true. = always print to same filenames, .false. = different files for different runs

These optional input variables return the evaluated histograms. In hists_theta you will find the dsigma_dtheta histograms, in hists_phi you will find the dsigma_dphi histograms and in hists2D dsigma_dOmega. They must be given all together, to make an effect on the program.

If initHists=.true., then the input histograms "hists_theta","hists_phi" and "hists2D" are initialized again. If inithists=.false. then the input histograms are used as results of earlier runs and the results of the present run are just added. If .true. then we assume that runNumber is the number to use as a normalization for the histogram results = We assume that the histograms contain the results of "runNumber" runs.

The fourth column in the histogram defines the error of the 2nd column (only if optional input is given!)


If there are more than one particle of the same species produced, then the event is not considered for this "single particle cross section".


  • filenames 'STRING_dsigma_dTheta...*.#.dat', 'STRING_dsigma_dTheta_Phi...*.#.dat' where #=1,2,3,... is given by runNumber and "STRING" by the input string.

AnaEvent/event_dSigma_dE [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ AnaEvent ] [ Subroutines ]


subroutine event_dSigma_dE(E, eMin, eMax, dE, string, runNumber, hists, initHists, makeOutputIn, sameFileNameIn, histsMulti, hists1X, hists2X)


Output for single particle production dsigma_dE for all particle IDs included in the array "particleIDs" (see above) and all charge states.


  • type(tAnaEvent), dimension(:) :: E -- List of events
  • real :: eMin, eMax, dE -- Minimal/Maximal Ekin, Delta(Ekin) in [GeV]
  • character(*) :: string -- used as prefix for all output files
  • integer :: runNumber -- number of the run


  • type(histogram), intent(inout), dimension(lBound(particleIDs,dim=1):uBound(particleIDs,dim=1),-2:2) :: hists
  • logical, intent(in) :: initHists
  • logical :: makeOutputIn -- Flag to switch off output (.false.=no output)
  • logical, intent(in) :: sameFileNameIn -- .true. = always print to same filenames, .false. = different files for different runs

These optional input variables return the evaluated histograms. In hists you will find the dsigma_dE.

If initHists=.true., then the input histograms "hists" and "histsMulti" are initialized again. If inithists=.false., then the input histograms are used as results of earlier runs and the results of the present run are just added. If .true. then we assume that runNumber is the number to use as a normalization for the histogram results = We assume that the histograms contain the results of "runNumber" runs.


If there are more than one particle of the same species produced, then the event is not considered for the "single particle cross section", but for the "multi particle cross section".


  • filenames 'STRING_dsigma_dEkin...*.#.dat' where #=1,2,3,... is given by runNumber and "STRING" by the input string.

AnaEvent/event_dSigma_dEcostheta [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ AnaEvent ] [ Subroutines ]


subroutine event_dSigma_dEcostheta(E, EcosthetaMin, EcosthetaMax, dEcostheta, string, runNumber, hists, hists_c, hists_MULTI, hists_c_MULTI, initHists, makeOutputIn, sameFileNameIn)


Output for single particle production dsigma/d(E(1-cosTheta)) for all particle-IDs includede in "particleIDs" (see above) and all charge states. Theta is the angle of the outgoing particle with respect to the neutrino beam direction

The output is also given for dsigma/dcosTheta


  • type(tAnaEvent), dimension(:) :: E -- List of events
  • real ::
  • character(*), intent(in) :: string -- used as prefix for all output file
  • integer, intent(in) :: runNumber -- number of the run =1,2,3,4...


  • type(histogram), intent(inout), dimension(lBound(particleIDs,dim=1):uBound(particleIDs,dim=1),-2:2) :: hists
  • logical, intent(in) :: initHists
  • logical ::makeOutputIn -- Flag to switch off output (.false.=no output)
  • logical , intent(in), optional ::sameFileNameIn -- .true. = always print to same filenames, .false. = different files for different runs

These optional input variables return the evaluated histograms.

If initHists=.true., then the input histograms are initialized again. If inithists=.false. then the input histograms are used as results of earlier runs and the results of the present run are just added. If .true. then we assume that runNumber is the number to use as a normalization for the histogram results = We assume that the histograms contain the results of "runNumber" runs.

The fourth column in the histogram defines the error of the 2nd column (only if optional input is given!)


If there are more than one particle of the same species produced, then the event is not considered for this "single particle cross section".


  • filenames 'STRING_dsigma_dEcostheta...*.#.dat', where #=1,2,3,... is given by runNumber and "STRING" by the input string.

AnaEvent/event_dSigma_dInvMass [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ AnaEvent ] [ Subroutines ]


subroutine event_dSigma_dInvMass(E, string, runNumber, dW_Npi, Wmin_Npi, Wmax_Npi, histsW_nucleon_pion, dW_mupi, Wmin_mupi, Wmax_mupi, histsW_muon_pion, dW_muN, Wmin_muN, Wmax_muN, histsW_muon_nucleon, initHists, makeOutputIn, sameFileNameIn)


Output dsigma_d(InvariantMass) for 1 pion production process for 3 invariant masses: W(pion-nucleon'), W(muon-nucleon'), W(pion-nucleon') can be compared with the corresponding ANL and BNL data


  • type(tAnaEvent), dimension(:) :: E -- List of events
  • real :: dInvMass -- Delta(InvMass) in [GeV]
  • character(*) :: string -- used as prefix for all output files
  • integer :: runNumber -- number of the run


  • type(histogram), intent(inout), dimension(lBound(particleIDs,dim=1):uBound(particleIDs,dim=1),-2:2) :: hists
  • logical, intent(in) :: initHists
  • logical :: makeOutputIn -- Flag to switch off output (.false.=no output)
  • logical, intent(in) :: sameFileNameIn -- .true. = always print to same filenames, .false. = different files for different runs

These optional input variables return the evaluated histograms. In hists you will find the dsigma_dInvMass.

If initHists=.true., then the input histograms "hists" is initialized again. If inithists=.false., then the input histograms are used as results of earlier runs and the results of the present run are just added. If .true. then we assume that runNumber is the number to use as a normalization for the histogram results = We assume that the histograms contain the results of "runNumber" runs.


  • filenames 'STRING_dsigma_W...*.#.dat' where #=1,2,3,... is given by runNumber and "STRING" by the input string.

AnaEvent/event_dSigma_dLeptonVariables [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ AnaEvent ] [ Subroutines ]


subroutine event_dSigma_dLeptonVariables(E,maxQ2,binsizeQ2, AngleUpperDetectionThresholdDegrees_lepton, kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold_lepton,string, runNumber, hist_Enu, hist_E, hist_cos, hist_Q2, hist_Q2p, hist_dEdcost, hist_dpLdpT, initHists, makeOutputIn, sameFileNameIn, specificEvent)


Output dsi/dEkin, dsi/dcostheta for outgoing lepton and dsi/dQ^2



  • type(histogram), intent(inout), dimension(lBound(particleIDs,dim=1):uBound(particleIDs,dim=1),-2:2) :: hist_Enu, hist_E, hist_cos, hist_Q2, hist_Q2p
  • type(histogram2D),intent(inout) :: hist_dEdcost
  • logical, intent(in) :: initHists
  • logical :: makeOutputIn -- Flag to switch off output (.false.=no output)
  • logical, intent(in) :: sameFileNameIn -- .true. = always print to same filenames, .false. = different files for different runs
  • integer, intent(in) :: specificEvent -- specify final state (see subroutine SpecificEvent_Name)

These optional input variables return the evaluated histograms. In hist_E you will find the dsigma_dE(kinetic energy of the outgoing lepton). In hist_cos you will find the dsigma_dcostheta(angle of the outgoing lepton relative to incoming neutrino). In hist_Q2 you will find the dsigma_dQ^2. In hist_Q2p you will find the dsigma_dQ_p^2, Q_p^2 is calculated from kinetic energy of leading proton The Q_p^2 distribution can thus also be used to get the 0pi kinetic energy distribution of outgoing protons In hist_dEdcost you will find the double-differential d2sigma/(dE dcostheta) for outgoing lepton in a 0-pion event

The input parameters eMin,eMax,dE,cost_min,cost_max, delta_cost control the binning of the dd cross section. These parameters do not affect the FinalEvents.dat file

The input parameters AngleUpperDetectionThresholdDegrees_lepton, kineticEnergyDetectionThreshold_lepton control acceptance for the outgoing lepton beam (upper angle and lower energy). These also affect the FinalEvents.dat file. Events that do not lie within these acceptances are not written out.

If initHists=.true., then the input histograms "hists" and "histsMulti" are initialized again. If inithists=.false., then the input histograms are used as results of earlier runs and the results of the present run are just added. If .true. then we assume that runNumber is the number to use as a normalization for the histogram results = We assume that the histograms contain the results of "runNumber" runs.


  • filenames 'STRING_dsigma_dEkin_lepton.#.dat'
  • filenames 'STRING_dsigma_dcos_lepton.#.dat'
  • filenames 'STRING_dsigma_dQ2_lepton.#.dat'
  • filenames 'STRING_dsigma_dQ2p_lepton.#.dat' where #=1,2,3,... is given by runNumber and "STRING" by the input string.

AnaEvent/event_dump [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ AnaEvent ] [ Subroutines ]


subroutine event_dump(run,L,filename,onlyFreeParticles,writeNeutrinoProd,doPipe)


Output a list of events.


  • type(tAnaEvent),dimension(:), intent(in) :: L -- The eventlist
  • character*(*),intent(in) :: FileName -- The file name to write to
  • integer,intent(in) :: run -- run number
  • logical, optional :: onlyFreeParticles -- if .true. then only "free particles" are dumped. Here "free" means that p(0)^2-m_free^2 > 0. So far this is only implemented for nucleons.
  • logical, optional :: writeNeutrinoProd -- switch to write production info

AnaEvent/event_INIT [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ AnaEvent ] [ Subroutines ]


subroutine event_INIT(L)


Set the multiplicity counters back to zero.




AnaEvent/event_CLEAR [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ AnaEvent ] [ Subroutines ]


subroutine event_CLEAR(L)


Reset the event: Delete the particleList and clear its memory. Set the multiplicity counters back to zero.




AnaEvent/event_add [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ AnaEvent ] [ Subroutines ]


subroutine event_add(L,V)


Adds the particle (which V points at) to the event.




AnaEvent/event_getParticle [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ AnaEvent ] [ Subroutines ]


function event_getParticle(E,ID,Charge,n,P,antiparticle) RESULT (success)


Search in the particle list of the event "E" the "n"-th particle in the list with %ID="ID". This particle "P" is then returned.


  • type(tAnaEvent) :: E -- The event
  • integer :: ID -- ID of particle which shall be returned
  • integer :: Charge -- charge of particle which shall be returned
  • integer :: n -- return the n-th particle in the list with %ID=ID
  • logical, optional :: antiparticle -- Whether the particle should be an (anti-)particle; if not specified, then we search for a particle.


  • type(particle) :: P -- n-th particle with wished ID
  • logical :: success -- True if it was possible to find n-Particles with the wished ID, False otherwise

AnaEvent/makeError_hist [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ AnaEvent ] [ Subroutines ]


subroutine makeError_hist(a,b)


Set b%y(:,3)=a%y(:,3)+( b%y(:,1)- a%y(:,1))**2

Mainly useful for error calculations. Usually performed to the histogram after a run with a being the histogram before the run and b being the histogram after the run.


  • type(histogram), optional :: a -- Histogram of last run
  • type(histogram), intent(inOut) :: b -- Histogram now

If a is missing then we assume that the histogram was 0 at the last run


  • type(histogram), intent(inOut) :: b -- Histogram now

AnaEvent/setError_hist [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ AnaEvent ] [ Subroutines ]


subroutine setError_hist(a,numRuns)


Assume that a%yval(:,1) contains the following : sum over all runs(xSection of run). And assume that a%yval(:,3) contains the following : sum over all runs(xSection of run**2). The number of runs is given by numRuns.

Sets a%yval(:,3) to the statistical error of a%yval(:,1) times the number of runs (This is done because a%yval(:,1) is the mean value times the number of runs, too.


  • type(histogram), intent(inout) :: a --
  • integer,intent(in) :: numRuns --


AnaEvent/event_DumpNumbers [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ AnaEvent ] [ Subroutines ]


subroutine event_DumpNumbers





  • to stdout

AnaEvent/event_pairPhotons [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ AnaEvent ] [ Subroutines ]


subroutine event_pairPhotons(L,filename,dsigma_dm_threeGammas, &

                              & Hist_massPhotons)


Outputs number of photons in one event and a histogram which gives the mass of all possible pairs of photons versus the mass of all possible triples. Additionally a cross section dsigma/dm_{3\gammas} is generated.

This is meant to reproduce an analysis procedure by the TAPS group.


  • type(tAnaEvent),dimension(:) :: L -- The eventlist
  • character(100) :: fileName_data,fileName_statistics -- The file name to write to

AnaEvent/event_hadronicEnergy [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ AnaEvent ] [ Subroutines ]


subroutine event_hadronicEnergy(L, numin, numax, nubin, Ehad_versusNu, dSigdNu, dSigdEhad, Enumin, Enumax, Enubin, Enurestored_versusEnu, dSigdEnu, dSigdEnurestored)


This is meant to perform the calorimetric analysis. in a simplified approach that uses no binding energies

Outputs histograms:

  • Ehad_versusNu (2D) --- transferred energy (col#1); hadronic energy(col#2) xsec(col#3)
  • dSigdNu --- dsi/dnu
  • dSigdEhad --- dsi/dEhad
  • Enurestored_versusEnu --- neutrino energy(col#1); restored neutrino energy (col#2) xsec(col#3)
  • dSigdEnu --- dsi/dEnu
  • dSigdEnurestored --- dsi/dEnurestored

Additionally info "prod_id Enu Enu_restored nu Ehad perweight" for all events is written into the file


The results are averaged over num_Energies (and, of course, also over num_Runs_sameEnergy)


  • type(tAnaEvent),dimension(:) :: L -- The eventlist
  • real :: numin, numax, nubin -- min, max and bin for the nu,Ehad-related histograms
  • real :: Enumin, Enumax, Enubin -- min, max and bin for the Enu,Enurestored-related histograms


  • type(histogram),dimension(0:max_Hist) :: Ehad_versusNu
  • type(histogram),dimension(0:max_Hist) :: Enurestored_versusEnu
  • type(histogram),dimension(0:max_Hist) :: dSigdNu
  • type(histogram),dimension(0:max_Hist) :: dSigdEhad
  • type(histogram),dimension(0:max_Hist) :: dSigdEnu
  • type(histogram),dimension(0:max_Hist) :: dSigdEnurestored

where max_Hist is defined in initNeutrino.f90, cf. K2Hist 0=all, 1=QE, 2=Delta, 3=highRES, 4=1piBG, 5=DIS, 6=2p2hQE, 7=2p2hDelta, 8=2pi