Next: Medium Corrections
Up: Final State Decisions
Previous: Two body final states
Three body final states :
in the vacuum
In analogy to the two-particle final and utilizing equation (1.7)
and the variable transformation
we get
Hence we need to choose
and independent of each other. The limits for the are given by the smallest and largest possible masses. The absolute values of the momenta are limited by the energy conservation. Evaluated in CM-System
this demand sets the limits to
The value of is choosen by choosing
by random. Once we have chosen those parameters, the full kinematics is fixed. Having choosen the parameters according to flat distribution we can define a probability to accept such a configuration by
where is chosen such that it is larger than the maximum of the nominator. With a Monte-Carlo decision we now accept or reject this configuration. We evaluate different configurations until we get one, which is accepted.
Next: Medium Corrections
Up: Final State Decisions
Previous: Two body final states
Oliver Buss