Next: Place of production Up: Final State Decisions Previous: Three body final states Contents Medium CorrectionsIn the medium we have a more complicated dispersion relation. Therefore also the phase space factors differ from the ones used above. Already in [Eff99] possibilities to implement the right phase-space factors were discussed. We will retreat to standard implementation. In a nutshell this prescription works the following:
Now we want to define the four momenta in the medium. Let them be denoted by . In the medium momentum and energy conservation demand The zeroth components are due to the potentials highly non-trivial functions of the vector components . Hence our recipe is the following: Using the vacuum result for we choose where the scaling factor is fixed by equation (2.16). Since all momenta are scaled by the same factor, the momentum conservation is fulfilled trivially. Next: Place of production Up: Final State Decisions Previous: Three body final states Contents Oliver Buss 2005-03-16 |