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Medium Corrections

In the medium we have a more complicated dispersion relation. Therefore also the phase space factors differ from the ones used above. Already in [Eff99] possibilities to implement the right phase-space factors were discussed. We will retreat to standard implementation. In a nutshell this prescription works the following:
  1. Evaluate $s_{vacuum}$.
  2. Do the final state decision with vacuum kinematics assuming $s=s_{vacuum}$.
  3. Correct the final state by scaling the final state momenta by a factor $x$ in the CM frame.
The last point needs special discussion. Therefore we go to the CM-frame of the final state. Here energy and momentum conservation in step 2 result in a solution for the momenta $\vec{p}(i)$ which obeys

\sum_i \sqrt{\left(\vec{p}^{\, (i)}\right)^2+\left(m^{(i)}\right)^2}&=&s_{vacuum} \\
\sum_i \vec{p}^{\, (i)}&=&0 \ .

Now we want to define the four momenta in the medium. Let them be denoted by $q_{\mu}(i)$. In the medium momentum and energy conservation demand
$\displaystyle \sum_i q_0^{(i)}(\vec{q}^{\, (i)})$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle s$ (2.16)
$\displaystyle \sum_i \vec{q}^{\, (i)}$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle 0 \ .$ (2.17)

The zeroth components $q_0^{(i)}$ are due to the potentials highly non-trivial functions of the vector components $\vec{q}^{\, (i)}$. Hence our recipe is the following: Using the vacuum result for $\vec{p}^{\, (i)}$ we choose

\vec{q}^{\, (i)}= x\, \vec{p}^{\, (i)} \, \forall \, i

where the scaling factor $x$ is fixed by equation (2.16). Since all momenta are scaled by the same factor, the momentum conservation is fulfilled trivially.
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Oliver Buss 2005-03-16