gibuu is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham

Version 20 (modified by jweil, 10 years ago) (diff)

correct a link

Running GiBUU on a Windows System

Step 1: Downloading the code

For normal users

  1. Get your login account or just login.
  2. Download the tar-ball to your system.
    • Please take care, that the path where you store the tar-ball does not include blanks.
    • Especially "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\..." is no good, but "C:\work\" is fine!

For GiBUU developers

See TortoiseSVN SSH HowTo or follow the explanation given below:

  1. Install putty on your system
  2. Set up a ssh-key pair to be used with putty.
    • Go via putty, e.g., to tp1 an run "ssh-keygen" by typing
      ssh-keygen -t dsa
      This generates a dsa-keyfile called "" in the directory "~/.ssh".
    • Now execute
      cat ~/.ssh/ >> .ssh/authorized_keys
    • Open in your Windows "PuTTYgen"
    • Choose "conversions" and read in your freshly created private (not public!) dsa key, which is given by the file "~/.ssh/id_dsa". Save the key after conversion as a ".ppk"-file
    • Start putty's pageant (Start->Programme->Putty->Pageant)
    • Load the freshly created .ppk-file into pageant
      • Hint: Add the command "pageant 'path to your ppk.file'" as a link to your Windows-Autostart, such that pageant is started at system start.
  3. Make sure "Pageant" is running and your ssh-key is loaded.
  4. Open "putty" and go to "Session"
    • Enter
      • Host Name =
      • Port = 22
      • Connection type = ssh
    • Now save the session as "putty_hepforge" (Putty->Session->Save Session)
    • Click on putty_hepforge and check whether a putty window opens which connects you directly to the Hepforge server. You should not be asked for your password! If you are still asked for it, please verify step 3! If putty can't connect, please verify hostname and port!
  5. Install tortoise on your system
  6. Download GiBUU to your windows hard drive. Details:
    1. Right click on your Desktop: After installing tortoise a menu item "SVN checkout" should be available.
    2. Left click on "SVN checkout".
    3. Enter in the field "URL of repository"
      to download the code.
    4. Choose checkout directory, e.g.
      • Please take care, that the full path where you store GiBUU does not include any blanks.
      • Especially "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\..." is no good, but "C:\GiBUU" is fine!
    5. Click on "ok", and then "yes" to create the checkout directory.

Step 2: Compiling & Running GiBUU

Using Cygwin

  1. Download cygwin
  2. Setup cygwin. In the package selection choose additionally:
    • devel/gcc4-fortran
    • devel/make
    • devel/subversion
    • utils/which
    • utils/bzip2
    • libs/libbz2-devel
    • perl/perl
  3. After the installation finished, start cygwin.
  4. Now go to the GiBUU directory
    • If you downloaded the tar ball, change to the download directory (e.g.
       cd /cygdrive/c/work 
      Now unpack the tar-ball
      tar -xzf tarballName.tgz
    • If you used svn to get the code, then simply "cd" to the code directory, e.g.
      cd /cygdrive/c/GiBUU
  5. Go to the directory "workingCode" (or "release1.x.x") and type
  6. After make is done, you will find the executable "GiBUU.x" in the "testRun" directory, where you can run GiBUU with the command
    ./GiBUU.x < jobCardName
    Sample jobcards are available in testRun/jobCards, cf. also our FAQ page for more informations.

In a terminal

Download your code to a network share, which is also accessible by some linux client. Go via putty to your linux client and compile the code as explained in "Readme_Quickstart.txt".

Advantage: Much faster compilation and better performance than Cygwin.