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Table of Contents
Publications & Presentations
A complete list of publications is available here.
- K. Gallmeister, U. Mosel
Production of charged pions off nuclei with 3...30 GeV incident protons and pions
arXiv:0901.1770 [hep-ex] SPIRES entry
- T. Leitner, O. Buss, U. Mosel, L. Alvarez-Ruso
Neutrino induced pion production at MiniBooNE and K2K
arXiv:0812.1787 [nucl-th] SPIRES entry
- T. Leitner, O. Buss, L. Alvarez-Ruso, U. Mosel
Electron- and neutrino-nucleus scattering from the quasielastic to the resonance region
arXiv:0812.0587 [nucl-th] SPIRES entry
- T. Gaitanos, H. Lenske, U. Mosel
Production of fragments with and without strangeness within a combined BUU+SMM approach
arXiv:0811.3506v1 [nucl-th] SPIRES entry
- T. Gaitanos, H. Lenske, U. Mosel
Fragment formation in proton induced reactions within a BUU transport model
Phys. Lett. B 663, 197 (2008) SPIRES entry
- M. Kaskulov, K. Gallmeister, U. Mosel
Pionic transparency in semi-exclusive electroproduction off nuclei
arXiv:0808.2564 [nucl-th] SPIRES entry
- M. Kaskulov, K. Gallmeister, U. Mosel
Deeply inelastic pions in the exclusive reaction p(e,e' pi+)n above the resonance region
Phys. Rev. D 78, 114022 (2008) SPIRES entry
- O. Buss, T. Leitner, U. Mosel, L. Alvarez-Ruso
Influence of the nuclear medium on inclusive electron and neutrino scattering off nuclei
Phys. Rev. C 76, 035502 (2007) SPIRES entry
- A.B. Larionov, O. Buss, K. Gallmeister, U. Mosel
Three-body collisions in Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck theory
Phys. Rev. C 76, 044909 (2007) SPIRES entry
- K. Gallmeister, U. Mosel
Time Dependent Hadronization via HERMES and EMC Data Consistency
Nucl. Phys. A 801, 68 (2008) SPIRES entry
- O. Buss, L. Alvarez-Ruso, A. B. Larionov, U. Mosel
Pion induced double charge exchange reactions in the Delta resonance region
Phys. Rev. C 74, 044610 (2006) SPIRES entry
- T. Leitner, L. Alvarez-Ruso, U. Mosel
Neutral current neutrino nucleus interactions at intermediate energies
Phys. Rev. C 74, 065502 (2006) SPIRES entry
- O. Buss, L. Alvarez-Ruso, P. Mühlich, U. Mosel
Low-energy pions in nuclear matter and pi pi photoproduction within a BUU transport model
Eur. Phys. J. A 29 (2), 189 (2006) SPIRES entry
- T. Leitner, L. Alvarez-Ruso, U. Mosel
Charged current neutrino nucleus interactions at intermediate energies
Phys. Rev. C 73, 065502 (2006) SPIRES entry
- K. Gallmeister, T. Falter
Space-time picture of fragmentation in PYTHIA/JETSET for HERMES and RHIC
Phys. Lett. B 630 (2005), 40, SPIRES entry
- T. Falter, W. Cassing, K. Gallmeister, U. Mosel
Hadron attenuation in deep inelastic lepton nucleus scattering
Phys. Rev. C 70, 054609 (2004) SPIRES entry
- T. Falter, K. Gallmeister, U. Mosel
Incoherent rho0 electroproduction off nuclei
Phys. Rev. C 67 (2003) 054606; Erratum ibid. C 68 (2003) 019903 SPIRES entry
- J. Lehr, M. Effenberger, U. Mosel
Electron and photon induced reactions on nuclei in the nucleon resonance region
Nucl. Phys. A 671, 503 (2000) SPIRES entry
- M. Effenberger, E. L. Bratkovskaya, U. Mosel
e+ e- pair production from gamma A reactions
Phys. Rev. C 60, 044614 (1999) SPIRES entry
Diploma theses
- Janus Weil, Dilepton Production in Elementary Nuclear Reactions within a BUU Transport Model, Aug. 2008 pdf
- Birger Steinmüller, Eine neue Initialisierung des Atomkerns für GiBUU, Nov. 2007 pdf
- David Kalok, The Influence of In-Medium Modifications on Quasi-Elastic Electron and Neutrino Scattering on Nuclei, July 2007 pdf
- Tina Leitner, Neutrino Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei, Sep. 2005 pdf
- Oliver Buss, Low-energy pions in a Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck transport simulation, Mar. 2004 pdf
- Markus Wagner, Kaon and Pion Production at CBM energies, Mar. 2004, pdf
- Pascal Mühlich, Photoproduktion von Phi-Mesonen am Kern, Aug. 2001 pdf
- Jürgen Lehr, Elektroproduktion von Mesonen an Kernen, Feb. 1999 ps
PhD theses
- Oliver Buss, Photon- and Pion-induced Reactions in a Transport approach, August 2008 pdf
- Pascal Mühlich, Mesons in Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions with Elementary Probes, May 2007 pdf
- Thomas Falter, Nuclear reactions of high energy protons, photons, and leptons, Jul. 2004 pdf
- Jürgen Lehr, In-Medium Eigenschaften von Nukleonen und Nukleonresonanzen in einem semiklassischen Transportmodell, Nov. 2003 pdf
- Martin Effenberger, Eigenschaften von Hadronen in Kernmaterie in einem vereinheitlichten Transportmodell, Dez. 1999 ps pdf
- Alexander Hombach, Kollektive Flusseffekte in relativistischen Schwerionenkollisionen bei SIS-Energien, Apr. 1999 ps
- Stefan Teis, Transporttheoretische Beschreibung von relativistischen Schwerionenkollisionen bei SIS-Energien, Jan. 1997 ps
- Andreas Lang, Dynamik von Schwerionenkollisionen im Rahmen eines mikroskopischen Modells, 1991 pdf
SPIRES Database
- Oliver Buss
- Martin Effenberger
- Thomas Falter
- Kai Gallmeister
- Alexei Larionov
- Jürgen Lehr
- Tina Leitner
- Pascal Mühlich
- T. Gaitanos: Production of fragments with finite strangeness in reactions wihtin a GiBUU+SMM combined approach, Erice, International School of Nuclear Physics, September 2008.
- T. Gaitanos: Fragment formation of nuclei and hypernuclei within a combined BUU+SMM model, FIAS, Hadrons@FAIR, June 2008. ppt
- T. Gaitanos: Theoretical description of fragment formation in reactions at SIS/GSI energies within a combined BUU+SMM approach, GSI, NUSTAR Seminar, June 2008. ppt
- O. Buss: A transport approach to pion, photon and electron induced nuclear reactions in the resonance region, Giessen, Seminar, May 2008. pdf
- O. Buss: A transport approach to exclusive channels in electron nucleus scattering, Donnersberg, Donnersberg Workshop 2008 of the A1 collaboration, April 2008. pdf
- Presentations at DPG Spring Meeting 2008 (March 3-7 [Freiburg], March 10-14 [Darmstadt])
- O.Buss: Exclusive results for the e-A -> X reaction pdf
- T.Gaitanos: Fragment formation in low energy proton-induced reactions within a hybrid BUU+SMM approach ppt
- T.Gaitanos: Production of fragments with finite strangeness in heavy-ion collisions within a BUU+SMM combined model ppt
- K.Gallmeister: Zeitabhängigkeit von Hadronisierung pdf
- M.Kaskulov: Hadron attenuation and color transparency at JLab energies
- T.Leitner: Transport approach to the reconstruction of the neutrino kinematics in current oscillation experiments pdf
- T.Leitner: Nuclear aspects of neutrino energy reconstruction in current oscillation experiments pdf
- B.Steinmüller: Stabilität des Kerns in quasiklassischer Theorie
- J.Weil: Dilepton Production in gammaA and pA Reactions pdf
- Poster presentation at SFB/Transregio Bonn-Bochum-Giessen Meeting, Bonn, February 13th, 2008 pdf
- Presentations at DPG Spring Meeting 2007 (March 12-17):
- O.Buss: Electron and pion scattering off nuclei pdf
- T.Gaitanos: Hypernucleus formation in high-energy nuclear collisions ppt
- K.Gallmeister: Time Dependent Hadronization via HERMES and EMC Data Consistency ppt
- A.Larionov: Three-baryon collisions in BUU
- T.Leitner: Neutrino induced pion production and nucleon knockout within the GiBUU transport model pdf
- O.Buss: Code development & pion DCX, Giessen, Seminar, July 2006. pdf