= GiBUU release notes = == Disclaimer == We do not publish every revision of the code. Especially we retain parts of the code representing ongoing doctoral theses or other unpublished work. Therefore results published by our group may not (yet) be reproducible by the public releases below. == == == GiBUU 2025 (5.1.2025) [svn r8884] == * neutrino init: low-Q^2^-limit for electrons improved * real photon init: shadowing for VMD included * use mass of resonance as cut-off in W-dependence of form factors * !HiPion init: add Coulomb correction of incoming beam (as for !LoPion) * !HiPion init: simple Glauber estimates (quantum mechanical and classical) added * radius and surface as explicit input parameters for Woods-Saxon density distributions * event output possible using HepMC3 library (neutrino and electron inits) * event output possible using NuHepMC standard (neutrino init, thanks to https://github.com/sjgardiner/GiBUU and https://github.com/jxi24/GiBUU) * alternative form of s-wave absorption of pi-N-Delta dynamics at low pion energies implemented * sampe job cards added for T2K and SBND with explicit in-medium options * bug fix for !RootTuple (thanks to Pedro Pasquini) * line "version=2025" mandatory in jobcard to avoid outdated jobcards * Makefile also for new Intel compiler ifx * refactoring, cosmetics, minor improvements and bug fixes ==== GiBUU 2025, patch 1 (07.03.2025) [svn r8900] ==== * bugfix for energy conservation in neutrino 2pi events * separate parameter for target isospin T in neutrino 2p2h events * output of incoming lepton and of nucleus remnant possible in !FinalEvents.dat * documentation for in medium flags in some jobcards enhanced * formfactor parameter in some jobcards added (HiLepton real photon) * cosmetics == GiBUU 2023 (31.08.2023) [svn r8534] == * new elementary e+N and nu+N prescription according [https://inspirehep.net/literature/771332 Christy-Bosted fits] when using 'initNeutrino' (for details see http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.16161) [[BR]] main switch `new_eN` in namelist 'nl_neweN' * !OutChannels-Analysis also for events when using 'initNeutrino' * improve resonance production in lowPhoton/Electron in RMF mode * tachyons removed in RMF mode * new detector smearing for HADES dileptons * number of ensembles<100 need to be enforced by a minus sign in the jobcard * "equal weights mode" for events using the 'HiLepton' init * bugfix for detailed balance in n pi+ <-> p pi0 * modifications for newest compiler versions * (huge) refactoring, cosmetics, renaming and minor bug fixes ==== GiBUU 2023, patch 1 (07.12.2023) [svn r8603] ==== * electron-/neutrino-nucleon machinery updated for better pion production results * line "version=2023" mandatory in jobcard to avoid outdated jobcards * cosmetics and minor bug fixes ==== GiBUU 2023, patch 2 (12.01.2024) [svn r8616] ==== * implement anti-deuteron beam on nuclear target (!HeavyIon init) * bugfix for lepton masses in electron-/neutrino-nucleon machinery * bugfix for RMF propagation of rho, omega and phi mesons ==== GiBUU 2023, patch 3 (21.02.2024) [svn r8652] ==== * jobcard (and flux) added for FASER * default changed for initialization of density distribution of nuclei (now `ReAdjustForConstBinding=.true.`; not for RMF or if not static density) * avoid problems for additional Jetset particle decays (thank to J. Schumann) * bugfix for antineutrinos * files with tabulations of medium widths in 'buuinput/' in some extra tarball (only needed by some example jobcards) [[BR]] [[BR]] [[BR]] == GiBUU 2021 (08.02.2021) [svn r7938] == * Option: collisional broadening of rho-meson spectral function consistent with collision term of the transport equation ([https://inspirehep.net/literature/1818931]) * Option: enhanced dilepton radiation in np collisions agree with phenomenological inclusive e+e- invariant mass spectrum from dp collisions at 1.25A GeV ([https://inspirehep.net/literature/1818931]) * New options for hadron formation: quantum diffusion model (QDM), and momentum cutoff ([https://inspirehep.net/literature/1710338]) * Novel method of the nuclear residue determination based on counting particle-hole excitations in the target nucleus due 2-body collisions. Suitable for elementary particle-nucleus reactions ([https://inspirehep.net/literature/1710338]). Can be used for the coupling to the statistical models (e.g. internal SMM) or for the rescaling the cross sections in perturbative calculations. * Improved description of 2pi background contributions to elementary (e,p) cross sections. 2pi background also taken into account for (nu,N) reactions. * Improved transition from RES to DIS at around 2 GeV invariant mass: transition to pQCD cross sections in PYTHIA now follow Bloom-Gilman duality behavior. * restrict number of ejected nucleons in perturbative runs by residue calculation (works only for !HiPion,!HiLepton,Neutrino,Hadron,!ExternalSource) * minor bugfixes and modifications, cosmetics ==== GiBUU 2021, patch 1 (11.05.2021) [svn r8027] ==== * Bug fixed when calling NC processes * 2pi background extended to neutrinos, fixed to data for e-p scattering * Q^2^ cutoff for DIS removed * transition of electron to neutrino structure functions tuned * Bug fixed reported by gfortran-11 (thanks to Qiyu Yan) * cosmetics and minor bug fixes ==== GiBUU 2021, patch 2 (08.02.2023) [svn r8384] ==== * extended OSCAR 2013 output format (asked by Malgorzata Gumberidze) * bugfix in OSCAR output (thanks to Izabela Ciepal) * output of impact parameter also for pion induced events (asked by Izabela Ciepal) * residue-scaling also for lowPhoton * simplify input of projetile and target nucleus by replacing the input variables 'projectile_A/Z' and 'target_A/Z' just by 'A/Z' * documentation of 'DoHIATime...dat' fixed (thanks to Maximilian Wiest) * implement neutrino output into a named pipe instead of '!FinalEvents.dat' * bugfix for residue calculation in neutrino 2p2h * cosmetics and minor bug fixes ==== GiBUU 2021, patch 3 (01.03.2023) [svn r8388] ==== * bugfix for positions of particles from neutrino 2pion-background (thanks to Patrick Tsang) ==== GiBUU 2021, patch 4 (23.03.2023) [svn r8413] ==== * "equal weights mode" for neutrino induced events * automatically generated 'namelists.pdf' added * memory leak fixed in !RootTuple v1.0.1 (thanks to Callum Wilkinson) * cosmetics and minor bug fixes [[BR]] == GiBUU 2019 (08.02.2019) [svn r7590] == * output of events now also in '''ROOT format''' possible * Possibility to add own, new neutrino flux distributions * pion background amplitude added also for antineutrino CC events * transition between resonance and DIS for elementary eN improved, both for electrons and neutrinos * in-medium corrections for low energy NN cross sections implemented * sample jobcards now set to produce all warning and info output (Indicated how to disable this for production runs.) * DUNE antimunu flux corrected * calculation of Coulomb for dynamic densities improved; glitches using Coulomb removed * total momentum of nucleons in nuclei is corrected by simulated annealing * workaround in Makefile for gfortran 6+ bug concerning MATMUL inlining * minor bugfixes and modifications, cosmetics ==== GiBUU 2019, patch 1 (26.03.2019) [svn r7615] ==== * Optimizing the overall energy/momentum conservation in neutrino DIS by using MSTP(23) ==== GiBUU 2019, patch 2 (16.04.2019) [svn r7628] ==== * Update of the DUNE neutrino fluxes * change of default output of 'struck nucleon' ==== GiBUU 2019, patch 3 (05.08.2019) [svn r7649] ==== * minor bugfix for reading fluxes ==== GiBUU 2019, patch 4 (05.11.2019) [svn r7723] ==== * corrections for CLAS, pi0 ==== GiBUU 2019, patch 5 (10.12.2019) [svn r7732] ==== * bugfix for A+A collisions (introduced in GiBUU 2019) ==== GiBUU 2019, patch 6 (03.03.2020) [svn r7771] ==== * negative particle ID indicates antiparticle in !FinalEvents.dat * additional output: Collisionlist ==== GiBUU 2019, patch 7 (03.06.2020) [svn r7830] ==== * pion-background of anti-NC is now set correctly to zero. * included !RootTuple library patched to report also positions. * compilation flag to select between final and production position ==== GiBUU 2019, patch 8 (08.09.2020) [svn r7862] ==== * allow for filenames with up to 1000 characters [[BR]] == GiBUU 2017 (29.10.2017) [svn r7268] == * JLAB/CLAS12 RunGroupA initialization (contributed by Michael Kunkel) * some neutrino fluxes added/updated * back reactions for decay into 3 mesons added (detailed balance) * minor renaming/deleting of flags in namelists - debugflags removed from all namelists - 'propagation': e.g. `predictorCorrector` --> `Mode`, `DerivativeType` --> `RungeKuttaOrder` - 'propagation': `useCoulomb` --> `useCoulombDirectly` to avoid misunderstandings * make neutrino runs silent by default: - 'neutrino_induced': new switch `printAbsorptionXS` - 'neutrinoAnalysis': new switch `Xsection_analysis`, default of `detailed_diff_output` set to false * minor bugfixes and modifications, cosmetics ==== GiBUU 2017, patch 1 (13.12.2017) [svn r7280] ==== * Bugfix concerning perturbative weight of outgoing lepton in neutrino events (thanks to Shirley Li) [[BR]] == GiBUU 2016 (08.02.2016) [svn r6779] - (17.07.2017) [svn r7210] == * updated K0 production cross sections ([http://arxiv.org/abs/1404.7011 arXiv:1404.7011]) * Kaon potentials in RMF mode * new Skyrme parametrization (-> Shanghai meeting) * non-linear symmetry energy (contributed by Gaochan Yong) * in-medium cross section parametrization in Skyrme mode (according to [http://arxiv.org/abs/1403.7363 arXiv:1403.7363]) * new parametrization of em. N-Delta transition form factor by Ramalho & Pena ([http://arxiv.org/abs/1512.03764 arXiv:1512.03764]) * all major neutrino fluxes, including LBNF-DUNE and new BNB, implemented * more realistic 2p2h cross section implemented, with neutrino-antineutrino and neutrino-electron consistency * local collision criterion also for real-real collisions * fulfill detailed balance in K Kbar <-> mes mes' (correct spectral shape, not only pole masses) == GiBUU 1.6 (01.10.2013) == * [https://gibuu.hepforge.org/Documentation1.6/code/collisions/twoBodyReactions/master_2Body_f90.html#robo1153 String threshold for baryon-baryon collisions] increased to 3.4 +- 0.1 GeV * Extended resonance model from [http://inspirehep.net/record/1094057 EPJ A48 (2012) 111] enabled by default * [https://gibuu.hepforge.org/Documentation1.6/code/rmf/RMF_f90.html#robo313 Kaon potentials] added (in RMF mode) * Possibility to tune the [https://gibuu.hepforge.org/Documentation1.6/code/collisions/twoBodyReactions/baryonBaryon/barBar_BarHypKaon_f90.html#robo2762 Kaon production cross sections] in baryon-baryon collisions * improved \(\pi\pi\) cross sections, \(f_2(1270)\) resonance added * [http://pythia6.hepforge.org/ Pythia] updated to version 6.4.27 * 2p-2h contributions for neutrino-induced events added * Flux distributions of all major long baseline neutrino experiments implemented * Energy reconstruction and migration matrices for neutrino experiments implemented * Oscillation analysis for neutrino experiments implemented * First 'full' release of GiBUU with all code-parts included == GiBUU 1.5 (10.07.2012) == * Extended resonance model from [http://arxiv.org/abs/1203.3557 arXiv:1203.3557] available (but not enabled by default) * Statistical Multifragmentation Model (SMM) by A. Botvina et al. included, cf. [http://inspirehep.net/record/405803 Phys.Rept. 257 (1995) 133-221] * HNV model [http://inspirehep.net/record/742678 Phys.Rev. D76 (2007) 033005] (7 interfering diagrams) for neutrino-nucleon interaction at low energies included, cf.[http://inspirehep.net/record/860671 Phys.Rev. D82 (2010) 093001] * [http://macdls.lbl.gov/DLS_WWW_Files/Filter_4.1/ DLS] and [http://www-hades.gsi.de/ HADES] acceptance filters included * Improved kaon- and antikaon-nucleon cross sections * Included J/Psi production in antiproton-proton collisions * [http://pythia6.hepforge.org/ PYTHIA] updated to version 6.4.26 * DIS processes (via PYTHIA) in neutrino interactions included * Relativistic mean field model treatment of perturbative particle propagation optionally included * [wiki:download svn access] to the release branch for registered users (read-only) * Many other improvements ---- == GiBUU 1.4.1 (24.11.2011) == * Bugfix release * A few problems reported by external users have been fixed, mostly in antiproton-nucleus reactions (thanks to Yue Ma, Josef Pochodzalla, Olaf Hartmann and others) * Some problems with specific compilers have been addressed ---- == GiBUU 1.4.0 (01.09.2011) == * Implementation of a '''statistical annihilation model''' (I.A. Pshenichnov et al) for antinucleon-nucleon annihilation into mesons including KKbarX production channels (good for beam momenta above 2-3 GeV/c). At lower beam momenta this model is supplemented by phenomenological branching ratios. * Many '''new elementary reaction channels''' added (e.g. Nbar N -> Ybar Y, Nbar N -> Xibar Xi, Y N -> Y N, Xi N -> Y Y). For details see [http://arxiv.org/abs/1107.2326 arXiv:1107.2326]. * PYTHIA updated to version 6.4.25. * Many other improvements. ---- == GiBUU 1.3.1 (01.12.2010) == * Bugfix release * A few problems reported by external users have been fixed (thanks to the eager testers: Olaf Hartmann, Prajwal Mohanmurthy, Michael Paolone and others) * Some smaller bugfixes have been backported from trunk (mostly output problems with the Les Houches format, histograms, etc) * Support for the [http://developer.amd.com/cpu/open64/Pages/default.aspx Open64] compiler has been added ---- == GiBUU 1.3.0 (23.04.2010) == * '''Neutrino-induced reactions available''' (a full description of the neutrino part is given in T. Leitner's dissertation [http://www.uni-giessen.de/cms/fbz/fb07/fachgebiete/physik/einrichtungen/theorie/theorie1/publications/dissertation/neutrino-nucleus-interactions-in-a-coupled-channel-hadronic-transport-model pdf]) * Formation times according to Gallmeister, Falter, Phys. Lett. B '''630''' (2005), 40, [http://www.slac.stanford.edu/spires/find/hep/www?eprint=nucl-th/0502015 SPIRES entry] * '''PYTHIA 6.4''' is default by now * Many other improvements ---- == GiBUU 1.2.2 (19.05.2009) == * Bugfix in "Les Houches Event File" output (only relevant for !HiLepton/!HiPhoton) * Otherwise identical to release 1.2.1 ---- == GiBUU 1.2.1 (13.02.2009) == * Support for compiling and running GiBUU on Mac OS X, see [wiki:mac GiBUU on Mac]. * Otherwise identical to release 1.2 ---- == GiBUU 1.2 (21.01.2009) == * Possibility to link code against '''PYTHIA 6.419''' * Output according '''Les Houches Event Files Standard'''. * Resolved minor issues of the previous release. ---- == GiBUU 1.1 (31.10.2008) == * New Makefile concept: better treatment of source code dependencies * [wiki:tools makedepf90] is no requirement anymore (dependencies can be generated with "Own_Makedepf90.pl" instead) * Resolved minor issues of the previous release. ---- == GiBUU 1.0 (29.04.2008) == * Initial public release of the GiBUU code! ----