= library !RootTuple = Starting with release 2018, the code is able to produce particle vector output as a ROOT file. Here we rely on the library [https://roottuple.hepforge.org/ RootTuple], which is a lightweight Fortran interface to some existing [https://root.cern.ch/ ROOT] installation. Unfortunately, the default installation process of '!RootTuple' produces only a 'shared' library (*.so) , which is not usable with GiBUU; here we need a 'static' library (*.a). Therefore some rework is needed. == The easier way == If you have followed the download proceduce for the tar-balls, then {{{ make buildRootTuple }}} should do all the job. == The manual way == If something goes wrong, you may try to do the manual compilation procedure: 1. Download the source from https://roottuple.hepforge.org/ 2. Modify the file `RootTuple-master/src/CMakeLists.txt` by changing one line {{{ add_library (RootTuple SHARED ${RootTuple_SOURCES}) }}} to {{{ add_library (RootTuple STATIC ${RootTuple_SOURCES}) }}} 3. follow the usual given build procedure of '!RootTuple' ...here internals to your ROOT installation may enter... a. Maybe you have to add in `RootTuple-master/CMakeLists.txt` the line {{{ set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++11") }}} b. If you have errors related to missing `latex2html`, comment out in `RootTuple-master/CMakeLists.txt` {{{ #add_subdirectory (docs) }}} (We thank Taisiya Mineeva for pointing us to this!) 4. make the library accessible for GiBUU, e.g.: {{{ cp RootTuple-master/build/src/libRootTuple.a /objects/LIB/lib/libRootTuple.100.a }}} (Here the '...100...' indicates the version number, which is fixed to be 1.0.0; please do not change!) After this, a new rebuild of GiBUU (`make renew; make`) should detect the library.