gibuu is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham

Version 1 (modified by jweil, 14 years ago) (diff)


Example jobcard for FOPI

!*   FOPI: pi- A => KKbar X   *

! General Input :

  numEnsembles = 250	! number of ensembles
  eventtype    = 12	! 12 = HiPion A
  numTimeSteps = 200	! number of time steps
  delta_T      = 0.2	! time step size [fm]
  num_runs_SameEnergy = 20
  num_Energies = 1
  path_to_input = "/home/hadron/gibuu/buuinput"
  set_length_perturbative = .true.
  length_perturbative     = 1000
  freezeRealParticles = .true.
  ! localEnsemble = .true.		! default: parallel ensemble
  printParticleVectors = .true.

  ! target_Z =  1 , target_A =   1		! H
  ! target_Z =  6 , target_A =  12		! C
  target_Z = 29 , target_A =  63		! Cu
  ! target_Z = 82 , target_A = 208		! Pb

  LesHouchesFinalParticles_Pert = .true.
  LesHouchesFinalParticles_Real = .false.

!	Pion-induced reactions

  DoProton	= .false.	! projectile: pion or proton?
  Charge	= -1		! charge of projectile
  ekin_lab	= 1.7		! kinetic energy of projectile in lab frame
  distance	= 0.		! zero -> automatic
  numberPions	= 25		! number of projectiles per ensemble
  impact_parameter= -1.		! impact parameter [fm], negative -> distributed over disk

!	Ground State (Frozen Nucleus, Analytic Density, Zero Temperature)

  densitySwitch = 2	! 1 = dynamic, 2 = analytic, 0 = no density

  pauliSwitch = 2	! 1 = dynamic, 2 = analytic, 0 = no pauli blocking

  temperatureSwitch = 1 
  ! 1=groundstate calculations (T=0,mu=E_F)
  ! 2=the full procedure according to testparticle density (real particles only!)