= Example jobcard for External input = There is the possibility to initialize the real particles representing some nucleus, while the perterbuative particles will be read in at time zero from some additional file. This jobcard can be found in the GiBUU repository at [http://gibuu.hepforge.org/svn/releases/release2016/testRun/jobCards/022_External.Perturbative.job 022_External.Perturbative.job]. It looks like this: {{{ !-------------------------------------------------- -*- fortran -*- ---- ! sample jobcard for external particle source !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! please visit the GiBUU homepage for further information: ! http://gibuu.physik.uni-giessen.de/GiBUU/ !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! file: ./inputOutput/input.f90 &input eventtype = 22 numEnsembles = 10 numTimeSteps = 100 delta_T = 0.1 ! time step size [fm] freezeRealParticles = T ! localEnsemble = T !!! External does not work yet with this length_perturbative = 200 printParticleVectors = T ! DoPrLevel(1) = .FALSE. ! DoPrLevel(2) = .FALSE. path_To_Input = '~/GiBUU/buuinput' / ! file: ./density/nucleus.f90 &target TARGET_A = 64 ! mass TARGET_Z = 29 ! charge ! densitySwitch_static = 3 ! 0: density=0.0, 1: Wood-Saxon by Lenske, 2: NPA 554, 3: Wood-Saxon by Lenske, different neutron and proton radii / ! file: ./init/initExternal.f90 &externalSystem inputFile = 'ExternalSource.inp' DoPerturbative = T NumberingScheme = 2 / ! file: ./density/density.f90 &initDensity densitySwitch = 2 ! 2: static density / ! file: ./density/pauliBlocking.f90 &initPauli pauliSwitch = 2 ! 2: analytic / ! file: ./collisions/twoBodyReactions/HiEnergy/DoCollTools.f90 &pythia PARP(91)=0.44 / ! file: ./analysis/LesHouchesAnalysis.f90 &LesHouches LesHouchesFinalParticles_Pert = T LesHouchesFinalParticles_Real = F / }}} The corresponding input file (cf. [http://gibuu.hepforge.org/svn/releases/release2016/testRun/jobCards/022_ExternalSource.inp ExternalSource.inp]) needs per line the information: 1. Particle ID (e.g. 101 for pion, 1 for proton etc.) 2. Particle charge 3. Particle mass (vacuum value) 4. Particle position (x coordinate) 5. Particle position (y coordinate) 6. Particle position (z coordinate) 7. Particle 3-momentum (x-component) 8. Particle 3-momentum (y-component) 9. Particle 3-momentum (z-component) 10. number of ensemble It is important to specify the number of the ensemble in the last column, where the particle will be inserted. The energy of the particle will be calculated according the selection of the potentials in the jobcard. ''We a re planning to improve the input format and make it more flexible in the near future.''