gibuu is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham

Version 6 (modified by gallmei, 3 years ago) (diff)

change to 2021

Installation instructions for the impatients

If you do not bother about the details, maybe the following instructions are enough for you to get GiBUU running.

At the moment, only downloading of tar-balls is possible.

Default Installation

  1. generate base directory:
    mkdir GiBUU; cd GiBUU
  1. download and unpacking:
    wget --content-disposition
    wget --content-disposition
    tar -xzvf buuinput2021.tar.gz
    tar -xzvf release2021.tar.gz
  1. change into release directory:
    cd release
  1. compile GiBUU:
  1. run GiBUU:
    ./testRun/GiBUU.x < your_Jobcard

Installation with ROOT output

If you want to use the possibility to get event output in ROOT format, the installation has to be slightly modified:

  1. generate base directory:
    mkdir GiBUU; cd GiBUU
  1. download and unpacking:
    wget --content-disposition
    wget --content-disposition
    wget --content-disposition
    tar -xzvf buuinput2021.tar.gz
    tar -xzvf release2021.tar.gz
    tar -xzvf libraries2021_RootTuple.tar.gz 
  1. change into release directory:
    cd release
  1. a) compile RootTuple library:
    make buildRootTuple
  1. b) compile GiBUU:
    make withROOT=1
  1. run GiBUU:
    ./testRun/GiBUU.x < your_Jobcard

ensure to have something like the following in 'your_Jobcard':

! file: ./analysis/EventOutputAnalysis.f90
      WritePerturbativeParticles = T
      EventFormat = 4 ! 1=LesHouches, 4=ROOT