= Generating Event Output in Les-Houches Format = The default procedure for generating particle-level event output in GiBUU is via the "Les Houches" event-file standard, which is described in detail in [http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0609017 arXiv:hep-ph/0609017]. To generate event output in Les-Houches format, your jobcard should contain a part which sets the switches in the '!LesHouches' namelist: {{{ &LesHouches LesHouchesFinalParticles_Real = T ! print out real particle vector LesHouchesFinalParticles_Pert = T ! print out perturbative particle vector / }}} Setting the first switch to T (.true.) will produce files called '!LesHouches.Real.*.xml' (with * being the run number) containing events which list all real particles, while setting the second switch to T will produce files called '!LesHouches.Pert.*.xml' containing events which list all perturbative particles. The files have an XML-like format which will be described below. == Les Houches file structure == The rough structure of a Les-Houches event file looks like this: {{{
... ... ... (any number of blocks can follow) ...
}}} After the
and blocks, the file essentially contains a list of event blocks, each of which begins with an opening tag and ends with a corresponding tag. There can be an arbitrary number of events in one file (depending on the input parameters of the simulation). The specific contents of the blocks will be described below. Note that the
and blocks do not contain any relevant information in the current GiBUU implementation (and therefore can be ignored). == The block == Each event block contains the full description of a single event, which basically consists of a list of produced particles (with their corresponding four-momentum vectors etc). An example event might look like this: {{{ 3 0 0. 0. 0. 0. 2212 0 0 0 0 0 -0.264 0.275 3.468 3.613 0.938 0. 9. 2112 0 0 0 0 0 0.267 -0.052 0.138 0.986 0.938 0. 9. 211 0 0 0 0 0 -0.003 -0.222 0.730 0.776 0.138 0. 9. }}} The first line in the block has a special meaning: In the first column it contains the number of particles (N) and in the third column the weight (w) of the event, while the other columns can contain additional parameters (which are not used in the current GiBUU implementation). Each of the following lines represents one particle. The columns of these lines have the following meaning: * 1: ID code of the particle (in [http://pdg.lbl.gov/2013/reviews/rpp2012-rev-monte-carlo-numbering.pdf PDG numbering scheme], which differs from our internal [wiki:ParticleIDs GiBUU numbering scheme]). This number determines the identity and charge of the particle. * 7-9: 3-momentum (px, py, pz) of the particle in GeV. Usually the z-axis corresponds to the beam direction. * 10: Energy E of the particle in GeV. * 11: Mass m of the particle in GeV. * 13: Spin of the particle ('9'=unknown). The other columns are not used in the current GiBUU implementation and therefore will be zero. The example event shown above contains a three-body final state, consisting of a proton, neutron and pi+ (produced in a pp collision). == Additional process-specific information in the block == There can be one additional line at the end of the block (after the list of particles), which starts with a "#" and contains process-specific information for different event types: * In the case of HiLepton events, this line is: " # 14 nu Q2 eps phiLepton Eventtype" (14 is the magic number of HiLepton, cf. Electron_origin.f90 for a list of Eventtypes) * In the case of neutrino events, the line line is given as: " # 5 Eventtype Weight momLepIn(0:3) momLepOut(0:3)" (5 is the magic number of neutrino induced events, Eventtype: 1=QE, 2-31=res ID, 32,33=1pi, 34=DIS, 35,36=2p2h, 37=2pi) * For all other event types, this line is missing.