= LHAPDF = GiBUU has the option to be linked against [http://lhapdf.hepforge.org/lhapdf5/ libLHAPDF v5]. '''Please note: the newer version 6 is not supported! ''' This may be a useful option in connection with initialization using PYTHIA. You can enforce this by initiating the compilation by the command `make PDF=LHAPDF ...`. In order to do so, you have to place a copy of 'libLHAPDF.a' in the directory 'objects/LIB/lib/', e.g. `cp /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libLHAPDF.a objects/LIB/lib/`. If you are encountering error messages like '''''...relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_PC32...''''', you have to recompile the library for a large memory model. A succsessful approach may be: {{{ cd ./lhapdf-5.9.1 export CXXFLAGS="-mcmodel=large" export FCFLAGS="-mcmodel=large" ./configure --disable-pyext --disable-octave --prefix=$HOME/TMP make make install }}} The option '-mcmodel=large' is implemented in the default GiBUU Makefile.