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Version 1 (modified by oliver, 17 years ago) (diff)


Using a ssh key pair

Sometimes it's irritating that you are always asked for your password while using SVN. Therefore, it can be useful to use a encrypted key-pair (public key+private key) to do the job for you.

(1) Create the key pair by typing

ssh-keygen -t dsa

Now you are prompted for a password for the private key. You can choose an empty password, which means that you can use your private key without a password. However, if somebody steals your private key, then he can do this too...

If you decide to use a password, then you also have to follow point (3) below.

(2) Copy the public key to the remote system, i.e. the subversion server:

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ user@remote-system

(3) If you have chosen a non-empty password:

Type in your shell

exec ssh-agent bash 



to start a ssh-key-agent. After doing this once, you can use the shell without password for the rest of its lifetime.

see also