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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of HowToPrintLevel

Jan 25, 2007, 7:25:47 PM (18 years ago)



  • HowToPrintLevel

    v1 v1  
     1= HOWTO: use 'PrintLevel' in order to reduce output. =
     4== 1) Decide during programming, how important your write-statement is. ==
     9subroutine Bla
     10  use output
     12  ...
     13  if (DoPr(1)) write(*,*) 'Hello world!'
     14  ...
     15  if (DoPr(2)) write(*,*) 'We still have the old known problem!'
     16  ...
     17  if (DoPr(5)) write(*,*) 'Big Problem. STOP'
     18  stop
     20end subroutine
     26 * Level 5 (TERMINAL) -- A terminal error is not an informational error
     27   because corrective action within the program is generally not reasonable.
     28   In normal usage, execution should be terminated immediately when an
     29   error of this class occurs.
     30 * Level 4 (FATAL) -- A fatal error indicates the existence of a
     31   condition that may be serious. In most cases, user or calling
     32   routine must take corrective action to recover.
     33 * Level 3 (WARNING) -- A warning indicates the existence of a
     34   condition that may require corrective action by user or calling
     35   routine
     36 * Level 2 (ALERT) -- Indicates that the user should be adviced about
     37   events occuring in the code.
     38 * Level 1 (NOTE) -- Is issued to indicate the possibility of a trivial
     39   error or simply to provide information about the computations.
     40 * Level 0 (BASIC) -- Some basic messages
     43== 2) Decide in your jobCard, which output you want to have. ==
     45By default, everything is written.
     48=== a) switch off the writing of both lines in 1): ===
     52      DoPrLevel(1) = .FALSE.
     53      DoPrLevel(2) = .FALSE.
     56(I personally use this for my HiLepton-one-week-runs. K.G.)
     57=== b) switch off the writing of the first line in 1): ===
     61      DoPrLevel(1) = .FALSE.
     65=== c) switch off the writing of the second line in 1): ===
     66[Is also possible, but makes not really sense ;) ]
     70      DoPrLevel(2) = .FALSE.