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Version 3 (modified by gallmei, 16 years ago) (diff)


HOWTO: Report sqrt(s), etc of collisions per time step

The module collisionReporter is prepared to collect data about (two-body-) collisions.


It provides routines to store and to print the number of colisions as function of time and of sqrt(s). All information is split up into several chanels, cf. fritiofType:

  • 07: BaB (Baryon-Antibaryon-Annihilation)
  • 08: Manni (Meson-Baryon-Annihilation)
  • 09: Elastic
  • 10: == Low Energy ==
  • 11: FRITIOF
  • 12: PYTHIA

With gnuplot-scripts like the following...

set xlabel "t [fm]
set ylabel "sqrt(s) [GeV]"
set xrange [0:]
set yrange [1:]
set log zcb
#splot  "CollRep.007.dat" u 1:2:($3>1e-10?$3:1/0) w l lt 2 t "BaB"
splot "CollRep.008.dat" u 1:2:($3>1e-10?$3:1/0) w l lt 1 t "Manni"
#replot "CollRep.009.dat" u 1:2:($3>1e-10?$3:1/0) w l lt 5 t "Elast"
replot "CollRep.010.dat" u 1:2:($3>1e-10?$3:1/0) w l lt 3 t "low energy"
replot "CollRep.012.dat" u 1:2:($3>1e-10?$3:1/0) w l lt 4 t "Pythia" can generate figures like this:

These are examples taken from electron induced reactions according Hermes conditions (Ee=27.3GeV)