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Publications using GiBUU

Here we list publications, where external users performed calculations with GiBUU and compared to experimental data. This list is not exhaustive.

neutrino induced

  • Abratenko, P. et al. (MicroBooNE Collaboration)
    First double-differential cross section measurement of neutral-current \(\pi^0\) production in neutrino-argon scattering in the MicroBooNE detector
    2404.10948 [hep-ex] (2024) INSPIRE Entry
  • Abratenko, P. et al. (MicroBooNE Collaboration)
    Measurement of the differential cross section for neutral pion production in charged-current muon neutrino interactions on argon with the MicroBooNE detector
    2404.09949 [hep-ex] (2024) INSPIRE Entry
  • Abratenko, P. et al. (MicroBooNE Collaboration)
    First simultaneous measurement of differential muon-neutrino charged-current cross sections on argon for final states with and without protons using MicroBooNE data
    2402.19281 [hep-ex] (2024) INSPIRE Entry
  • Soplin, Leonidas Aliaga and Castillo Fernandez, Raquel and Gustafson, Jasper and Quinn, Declan and Yadav, Shweta
    Monte Carlo Simulation Development and Implementation of the GiBUU Model for Neutrino Experiments
    2311.14286 [hep-ex] (2023) INSPIRE Entry
  • Abratenko, P. et al. (MicroBooNE Collaboration)
    Measurement of triple-differential inclusive muon-neutrino charged-current cross section on argon with the MicroBooNE detector
    2307.06413 [hep-ex] (2023) INPSIRE Entry


electron induced

  • Paul, S.J. et al. (CLAS Collaboration)
    Dihadron Azimuthal Correlations in Deep-Inelastic Scattering Off Nuclear Targets
    2406.14387 [nucl-ex] (2024) INSPIRE Entry
  • Chetry, T. et al. (CLAS Collaboration)
    First Measurement of \(\Lambda\) Electroproduction off Nuclei in the Current and Target Fragmentation Regions
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 130 (2023) 142301 INSPIRE Entry
  • Paul, S.J. et al. (CLAS Collaboration)
    Observation of Azimuth-Dependent Suppression of Hadron Pairs in Electron Scattering off Nuclei
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 129 (2022) 182501 INSPIRE Entry
  • Moran, S. et al. (CLAS Collaboration)
    Measurement of charged-pion production in deep-inelastic scattering off nuclei with the CLAS detector
    Phys. Rev. C 105 (2022) 015201 INSPIRE Entry


proton and antiproton induced

  • Abou Yassine, R. et al. (HADES Collaboration)
    Production of hydrogen isotopes and charged pions in p(3.5 GeV)+\(^{93}\)Nb reactions
    Phys. Rev. C 108 (2023), 064902 [ INSPIRE entry


pion induced

  • Aduszkiewicz, A. et al. (NA61/SHINE Collaboration)
    Measurements of hadron production in \(\pi^{+}\) + C and \(\pi^{+}\) + Be interactions at 60 GeV/c
    Phys. Rev. D 100 (2019), 112004 INSPIRE Entry


heavy ion collisions

  • Adamczewski-Musch, J. et al. (HADES Collaboration)
    Proton, deuteron and triton flow measurements in Au+Au collisions at \(\sqrt{s_{_{{\text {NN}}}}}= 2.4\) GeV
    Eur. Phys. J. A 59 (2023) 80 INSPIRE Entry
  • Adamczewski-Musch, J. et al. (HADES Collaboration)
    Charged-pion production in Au+Au collisions at \(\sqrt{\mathbf {s}_{\mathbf {NN}}} = 2.4~{\mathbf {GeV}}\)
    Eur. Phys. J. A (2020) 259 INSPIRE Entry