= Event Output = Event output may be produced in multiple ways: 1. [wiki:LesHouches LesHouches format] 1. [https://karman.physics.purdue.edu/OSCAR/index.php/About OSCAR] 1. [http://www.physics.sjtu.edu.cn/hic2014/node/12 Shanghai 2014 format] 1. [wiki:EventOutputRoot ROOT] 1. for neutrino- and lepton-induced reactions in a .txt file `FinalEvents.dat` The selection between option 1.-4. you may do within your jobcard, {{{ ! file: ./analysis/EventOutputAnalysis.f90 &EventOutput WritePerturbativeParticles = T EventFormat = 4 ! 1=LesHouches, 2=OSCAR, 3=Shanghai, 4=ROOT / }}}