&input eventtype = 0 ! type of reaction: elementary coll. numEnsembles = 100000 ! number of ensembles numTimeSteps = 1 ! number of time steps num_runs_SameEnergy = 1 ! number of runs per energy num_energies = 1 ! number of energies length_real = 20 ! length of real particle vector (max. particles per ensemble) path_To_Input = '~/GiBUU/buuinput' / &elementary particleId(1:2) = 1, 1 ! particle IDs: 1=nucleon particleCharge(1:2) = 1, 1 ! charges particleAnti(1:2) = F, F ! antiparticles? (F=.false.) ekin_lab = 3.5 ! kinetic energy in GeV of first part. / &LesHouches LesHouchesFinalParticles_Real = T ! print out real part. LesHouchesFinalParticles_Pert = F ! print out pert. part. / &elementary_analysis DoOutChannels = T /