!################################################ !init flags !################################################ $finalStateModule maxbwd_scalingFactor=0.7 $end $TransportGivenParticle particle_ID=1 charge=0 position(1)=0. position(2)=0. position(3)=0. threemomentum(1)=0.5 threemomentum(2)=0. threemomentum(3)=0. mass=-1. $end !################################################ ! general input !################################################ $target target_Z=20, target_A=40 densitySwitch_Static=2 ! 0: density=0.0, 1: Wood-Saxon by Lenske, 2 : NPA 554, 3: Wood-Saxon by Lenske, different neutron and proton radii, ! 5: density distribution is a sphere with density according to the input value of "fermiMomentum_input". !fermiMomentum_input=0.225 ! Input value of the fermi momentum for densitySwitch_static=5. fermiMotion=.true. $end $input numEnsembles=5000 eventtype=200 ! =transport given particle numTimeSteps=800 delta_T=0.05 fullensemble=.true. localEnsemble=.true. num_runs_SameEnergy=1 num_Energies=1 printParticleVectors=.false. set_Length_perturbative=.true. length_Perturbative=90 freezeRealParticles=.true. LRF_equals_CALC_frame=.true. !if .false.: no offshelltransport possible path_to_input='/home/hadron/oliver/buuinput' $end $initDatabase propagationSwitch=3 ! 3=all resonances usageForXsectionSwitch=2 ! 2=Everybody besides I=1/2 1* $end $initRandom SEED=223214 $end $initDensity densitySwitch=2 ! 1=dynamic density according to testparticle density, 2=analytic density prescription $end $initPauli pauliSwitch=2 ! 1=dynamic, 2=analytic $end !################################################ ! in-medium width !################################################ $baryonWidthVacuum use_cutoff=.true. $end $width_Baryon mediumSwitch=.true. ! Switch all medium switches off mediumSwitch_Delta=.true. ! Use Oset broadening of the Delta (only relevant for mediumSwitch_coll=.false.) mediumSwitch_coll=.true. ! Use collisional broadening of all resonances $end $baryonWidthMedium_tables deltaOset=.true. ! Switch on Delta modification according to Oset (sets mediumSwitch_Delta=.true. in $width_Baryon) $end $spectralFunction relativistic=.true. ! if mediumSwitch_coll=.false.: relativistic or non-rel. spectral function $end $selfenergy_realPart noDispersion=.false. ! If .true. dispersion relations are neglected $end !################################################ ! propagation !################################################ $propagation delta_P=0.002 ! Delta Momentum for derivatives delta_E=0.002 ! Delta Momentum for derivatives coulomb=.true. ! Whether to use coulomb in propagation hadronic=.true. ! Whether to use hadronic potentials in propagation DerivativeType=2 ! 1=first order Range-Kutta, 2=second order Range-Kutta predictorCorrector=.true. ! Whether to use a predictor/corrector algorithm to do the propagation $end $offShellPotential useOffShellPotentialBaryons=.true. ! if inMediumSwitch=.false. also useOffShellpotential will be set to .false. $end !################################################ ! potentials !################################################ $baryonPotential EQS_Type=5 ! 1=soft mom-dep, 2=hard mom-dep, 3=soft non-mom-dep, 4=hard non-mom-dep, 5=medium mom-dep DeltaPot=1 ! 1=2/3 of nucleon potential, 2=100 MeV*rho/rhoNull symmetriePotFlag=.false. ! Switch for the assymetry term in the nucleon potential noPerturbativePotential=.false. $end $mesonPotential pionPot_Switch=0 ! 1=Oset, 2=Kapusta, 3=Delta Hole, 4=Smooth transition between 1 and 3, else=no pion potential vectormesonPot=0 noPerturbativePotential=.false. $end $Coulomb CoulombFlag=.true. $end $Yukawa yukawaFlag=.false. $end !################################################ ! collision term !################################################ $collisionTerm oneBodyProcesses=.false. twoBodyProcesses=.false. threeBodyProcesses=.false. $end $master_1Body correctEnergy=.true. $end $master_2Body baryonBaryonScattering=.true. baryonMesonScattering=.true. mesonMesonScattering=.false. $end $resonanceCrossSections fullPropagator=.false. ! Use self energies in resonance propagators $end $barBar_barBar use_ND_ND_model=.true. ! Switch for delta nucleon -> delta nucleon cross sections: false=old parametrization, true =one pion exchange model (Effenberger, Buss) new_NR_NR=.true. ! .false.= Switch off the NR-> NR improvement (improvement= better NN<->NN fit is being used), only for debugging or comparing NR_NR_massSHIFT=.true. ! .true.= Shift the srts in NR-> NR elastic collisions. oldOset_treatment=.false. ! .true.= Use the old treatment for the Oset Delta width: no population of final state, only for debugging or comparing $end $master_3Body $end $angular_distribution deltaPWave=.true. pionnucleon_backward=.true. $end $insertion minimumEnergy=0.03 $end !################################################ ! temperature and thermodynamics !################################################ $initThermoDynamics temperatureSwitch=1 ! 1=groundstate calculations, 2=full procedure using testparticle density (real particles only!) $end