- 1. /eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy
- 1.1. eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/iC_XXX
- 1.2. eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/eventGen_eN_lowEnergy
- 1.3. eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/checkEvent
- 1.4. eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/init_2p2hQE
- 1.5. eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/init_2p2hDelta
- 1.6. eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/init_VMDrho
- 1.7. eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/init_DIS
- 1.8. eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/init_2Pi
- 1.9. eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/init_2Pi_getBG
- 1.10. eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/init_1Pi
- 1.11. eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/init_QE
- 1.12. eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/init_Res
- 1.13. eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/generateEvent_1Pi
- 1.14. eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/generateEvent_1Body
- 1.15. eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/setOutPartDefaults
/eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy [ Modules ]
module eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy
This module includes initilization routines for low energetic electron induced events (Resonance region and quasi-elastic regime, i.e. 0.7<W<2 GeV)
no namelist. All parameters are given as function arguments.
eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/iC_XXX [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy ] [ Global module-variables ]
Constants defined for ease of coding: possible Channels
integer, parameter :: iC_QE = 1 integer, parameter :: iC_Res = 2 integer, parameter :: iC_1Pi = 3 integer, parameter :: iC_2Pi = 4 integer, parameter :: iC_DIS = 5 integer, parameter :: iC_VMDrho = 6 integer, parameter :: iC_2p2hQE = 7 integer, parameter :: iC_2p2hDelta = 8 integer, parameter :: nC = 8
eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/eventGen_eN_lowEnergy [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine eventGen_eN_lowEnergy(eN,doC,whichRes,DoPauli,OutPart,channel,flagOK,XS,XS_Arr)
Initializes one e^- N -> X events for 0.7<W<2 GeV . The weight each event is given by (total Xsection of event=sum over all possible channels). We make a Monte Carlo decision to choose a specific channel, which is returned as "OutPart".
The particles are produced at the place of the nucleon target.
Scattering particles:
- type(electronNucleon_event) :: eN -- The incoming electron and nucleon
- logical, dimension(:) :: doC -- switches, see below
- logical :: DoPauli -- if .true., every event is checked for pauli blocking. if it is blocked, the corresponding cross section will be set to 0 and the Monte Carlo decision will neglect this event class. Thus the total cross section is reduced. Maybe all channel can be closed.
- type(particle),dimension(:,:) :: realParticles -- real particle vector, only needed for pauli blocking
Switches (cf. iC_XXX and 'module Electron_origin'):
- QE -- Switch on/off quasi-elastic events
- Res -- Switch on/off resonance production events
- 1Pi -- Switch on/off single pion production events
- 2Pi -- Switch on/off 2 pion background events
- DIS -- Switch on/off DIS events
- VMDrho -- Switch on/off special treatment of gamma N -> rho0 N
- 2p2hQE -- Switch on/off gamma N N --> N' N'
- 2p2hDelta -- Switch on/off gamma N N --> Delta N'
Special Switch for resonance production:
- logical, dimension(2:nres+1), intent(in) :: whichRes
With this switch special resonances can be selected, if res_flag=.true., and whichRes is defined by the lines...
whichRes=.false. whichRes(Delta)=.true.
... then only the Delta is included as a possible resonance channel.
- integer :: channel -- value according to naming scheme defined in module "Electron_origin". For all 1-Body final states the value of "channel" is given by the ID of the produced particle.
- type(particle), dimension(:) :: OutPart -- FinalState particles
- logical :: flagOK -- .true. if OutPart was created
- real, OPTIONAL :: XS -- cross section in mub
- real,dimension(...),OPTIONAL :: XS_Arr -- cross sections according the internal weights (in mub, maybe also negative)
eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/checkEvent [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy ] [ Functions ]
logical function checkEvent(eN,f,channel)
Check Charge and momentum conservation (.true. -> all is ok!)
- type(electronNucleon_event) :: eN -- incoming electron and nucleon
- type(particle),dimension(:) :: f -- final state particles
- integer :: channel -- how the event was generated, cf. iC_XXX and module Electron_origin
- function value
- if channel==2p2hQE|2p2hDelta, no checks are possible; alsways .true.
eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/init_2p2hQE [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine init_2p2hQE(eN,OutPart,XS)
Generate a e^- N1 N2 -> N1' N2' event.
just a wrapper for el_2p2h_DoQE
eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/init_2p2hDelta [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine init_2p2hDelta(eN,OutPart,XS)
Generate a e^- N1 N2 -> N Delta event.
just a wrapper for el_2p2h_DoDelta
eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/init_VMDrho [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine init_VMDrho(eN,OutPart,XS)
Generate a e^- N -> rho0 event.
This can be easily generalized to all other vector mesons.
eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/init_DIS [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine init_DIS(eN,OutPart,XS)
Generate a e^- N -> DIS event.
This is mainly just a wrapper around DoColl_gammaN_Py.
The returned cross section (and also the weights of the particles) is 'flux * sigma^*',
eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/init_2Pi [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine init_2Pi(eN,OutPart,XS)
Generate a e^- N -> e^- N pion pion event.
This is done by taking the (vacuum) 2pi-background in photoproduction and scaling it with Q2 as the total XS. (many better scalings possible!)
Restricted to Q^2 < 5 GeV^2 and W < 2 GeV, otherwise set to zero.
eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/init_2Pi_getBG [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine init_2Pi_getBG(nucleon_free, Wfree, sig2pi)
Calculate the background contribution for an e^- N -> e^- N pion pion event at Q^2=0.
Since te resonance cross section is only calculated up to W=2 GeV, it is also only possible to get some 2pi BG up to this value.
This is a helper routine for init_2Pi, but also used in the neutrino case
eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/init_1Pi [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine init_1Pi(eN,OutPart,XS,theta_k,phi_k,modeBckGrnd)
Generate one e^- N -> e^- N pion event.
The weight of the each event is given by (total Xsection of event=sum over all possible pion charges). We make a Monte Carlo decision to determine the pion charge.
The particles are produced at the place of the nucleon target.
If one or more of the input angles theta_k, phi_k are negative, then we make a Monte-Carlo decision for those angles which are negative. In this procedure, we distribute:
- phi_k flat in [0,2*pi]
- cos(theta_k) flat in [-1,1]
Note that those angles are defined in the CM-frame of the outgoing pion and nucleon.
If a Monte-Carlo decision on the angle is performed, then the perweight of each event includes the following integral measure:
- phi and theta decision: measure=int dphi_k dtheta_k=4*pi --> perweight=4*pi*dsigma_dOmega_pion(phi_k,theta_k)
- phi integration : measure=int dphi_k dtheta_k=2*pi --> perweight=2*pi*dsigma_dOmega_pion(phi_k,theta_k
- theta integration : measure=int dtheta_k =2 --> perweight=2 *dsigma_dOmega_pion(phi_k,theta_k
- type(electronNucleon_event) :: eN -- The underlying electron and nucleon event
- real :: theta_k,phi_k -- Outgoing pion angles (if negative then Monte Carlo Integration). The angles are defined in the CM-Frame of the outgoing pion and nucleon
- logical :: modeBckGrnd -- true: mode==background, false: mode=normal
OUPTUT * type(particle), dimension(1:2) :: OutPart * logical :: flagOK
eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/init_QE [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine init_QE(eN,OutPart,XS)
Initializes one e^- N -> e^- N' events. The weight of the event is given by the Xsection for QE scattering.
The particles are produced at the place of the nucleon target.
- type(electronNucleon_event) :: eN -- The underlying electron and nucleon event
OUPTUT * real :: XS - The resulting cross section (=0 for failure) * type(particle) :: OutPart
eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/init_Res [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine init_Res(eN,OutPart,XS)
Initializes an e^- N -> Resonance event. The (per)weight of the event is given by (total Xsection of event=sum over all resonances). We make a Monte Carlo decision to determine the resonance type.
The particles are produced at the place of the nucleon target.
- type(electronNucleon_event) :: eN -- The underlying electron and nucleon event
- logical, dimension(2:nres+1) :: useRes -- Switch on/off each resonance
OUPTUT * real :: XS
-- The resulting cross section (=0 for failure)
* type(particle) :: OutPart
eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/generateEvent_1Pi [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine generateEvent_1Pi(OutPart,initNuc,kf,pf,xSection,pionCharge)
Given the evaluated kinematics and cross sections, final state particles are initialized for pion nucleon production.
- integer :: pionCharge -- Charge of outgoing pion
- type(particle) :: initNuc -- initial Nucleon
- real, dimension(0:3) :: kf,pf -- pion momentum and nucleon momentum
- real :: xSection -- Xsection for producing this event, including e.g. d(Omega)
OUPTUT * type(particle),dimension(1:2) :: OutPart -- final state particles
eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/generateEvent_1Body [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine generateEvent_1Body(OutPart,initNuc,pf,xSection,ID,mass)
Given the evaluated kinematics and cross sections, final state particles are initialized for 1-body final states.
- integer :: ID -- ID of produced particle
- real :: mass -- mass of produced particle
- type(particle) :: initNuc -- initial Nucleon
- real, dimension(0:3) :: pf -- final state
- real :: xSection -- Xsection for producing this event, including e.g. d(Omega)
OUPTUT * type(particle), intent(out) :: OutPart -- finalstate particle
eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy/setOutPartDefaults [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ eventGenerator_eN_lowEnergy ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine setOutPartDefaults(OutPart, initNuc)
set some fields of the outgoing particles to default values