/electronPionProduction_medium_eN [ Modules ]
module electronPionProduction_medium_eN
- Evaluates the electron nucleon -> electron p ion nucleon cross section as 5-fold differential dSigma/dOmega(final e^-) /dE(final e^-) /dOmega(pion) in the medium.
- Fermi motion of the incoming nucleon, as well as the potentials of the in and outgoing nucleons are taken into account.
- While the module "electronPionProduction_medium" always assumes that the incoming electron travels in z-direction, this module deals with arbitrary momenta
electronPionProduction_medium_eN/dSdO_fdE_fdO_k_med_eN [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ electronPionProduction_medium_eN ] [ Functions ]
function dSdO_fdE_fdO_k_med_eN(eN, pionCharge, phi_k, theta_k, k, pf, processID, pionNucleonSystem)
- Evaluates the electron nucleon -> electron pion nucleon cross section as 5-fold differential dSigma/dOmega(final e^-) /dE(final e^-) /dOmega(pion).
- This is done using the formulas which include explicitly H_mu nu L^mu nu.
- The angles of the outgoing pion are measured relative to the momentum transfer "q"
- Result in units of mcb/MeV=10^3 mcb/GeV=mb/GeV
- type(electronNucleon_event) :: eN -- underlying electron-nucleon event
- integer :: pionCharge -- charge of outgoing pion
- real :: phi_k, theta_k -- pion scattering angles in units of degree
- integer , optional:: processID -- EM=Electromagnetic (see module leptonicID for definition)
- integer , optional:: pionNucleonSystem -- 1 = pion angles phi_k and theta_k are defined in lab, 2 = they are defined in the CM frame of the incoming nucleon and photon
- real ::dSigma -- dsigma/dOmega(final electron)/dE(final Electron)/dOmega(final pion)
- real, dimension(0:3) :: pf -- outgoing nucleon 4-momentum
- real, dimension(0:3) :: k -- outgoing pion 4-momentum