- 1. /EventOutputAnalysis
- 1.1. EventOutputAnalysis/WritePerturbativeParticles
- 1.2. EventOutputAnalysis/WriteRealParticles
- 1.3. EventOutputAnalysis/EventFormat
- 1.4. EventOutputAnalysis/Interval
- 1.5. EventOutputAnalysis/initInput
- 1.6. EventOutputAnalysis/EventOutput
- 1.7. EventOutputAnalysis/CheckRootLinked
- 1.8. EventOutputAnalysis/CheckHepMC3Linked
- 1.9. EventOutputAnalysis/DoEventOutput
- 1.10. EventOutputAnalysis/EventOutput.Pert.lhe
- 1.11. EventOutputAnalysis/EventOutput.Pert.oscar
- 1.12. EventOutputAnalysis/EventOutput.Pert.dat
- 1.13. EventOutputAnalysis/EventOutput.Pert.root
- 1.14. EventOutputAnalysis/EventOutput.Pert.hepmc3
- 1.15. EventOutputAnalysis/EventOutput.Real.lhe
- 1.16. EventOutputAnalysis/EventOutput.Real.oscar
- 1.17. EventOutputAnalysis/EventOutput.Real.dat
- 1.18. EventOutputAnalysis/EventOutput.Real.root
- 1.19. EventOutputAnalysis/EventOutput.Real.hepmc3
/EventOutputAnalysis [ Modules ]
module EventOutputAnalysis
This module provides routines for writing the outgoing particle vector to output files (split into events).
Currently the following formats are supported:
- "Les Houches" event files
- "OSCAR 2013" event files, compatible with SMASH output, including an 'extended' version
- "Shanghai 2014" even files, used for the code-comparison project at the Transport2014 workshop in Shanghai
- "ROOT" in a simple NTuple format (via Root and RootTuple libraries)
- "HepMC3" event files (asciiv3, via HepMC3 and HEPMC3event libraries)
- "NuHepMC" event files (asciiv3)
For a description of the Les Houches format, please refer to:
For a description of the OSCAR 2013 format, see:
For a description of the Shanghai 2014 format, see:
In order to generate ROOT output we use the library RootTuple by D.Hall, see:
For a description of the HepMC3 format, see:
For a description of the NuHepMC format, see:
These analysis routines are independent of the specific initialization and should work for all event types.
EventOutputAnalysis/WritePerturbativeParticles [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ EventOutputAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: WritePerturbativeParticles = .false.
Flag to write out the perturbative particle vector to an output file. The switch 'EventFormat' determines which format is used.
EventOutputAnalysis/WriteRealParticles [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ EventOutputAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
logical, save :: WriteRealParticles = .false.
Flag to write out the real particle vector to an output file. The switch 'EventFormat' determines which format is used.
EventOutputAnalysis/EventFormat [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ EventOutputAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
integer, save :: EventFormat = 1
This switch determines the format of the event output files. Possible values:
- 1 = Les Houches format (default)
- 2 = OSCAR 2013 format
- 3 = Shanghai 2014 format
- 4 = ROOT
- 5 = OSCAR 2013 extended format
- 6 = HepMC3 (asciiv3, via library)
- 7 = NuHepMC (asciiv3)
- For Les Houches, the output will be written to files called EventOutput.Pert.lhe and EventOutput.Real.lhe.
- For OSCAR, the output files are called EventOutput.Pert.oscar and EventOutput.Real.oscar.
- For Shanghai, the output files are called EventOutput.Pert.dat and EventOutput.Real.dat.
- For ROOT, the output files are called EventOutput.Pert.root and EventOutput.Real.root.
- For HepMC, the output files are called EventOutput.Pert.hepmc3 and EventOutput.Real.hepmc3.
- For NuHepMC, the output files are called EventOutput.Pert.hepmc3 and EventOutput.Real.hepmc3.
EventOutputAnalysis/Interval [ Global module-variables ]
[ Top ] [ EventOutputAnalysis ] [ Global module-variables ]
integer, save :: Interval = 0
Interval for event output, i.e. number of timesteps after which output is written. If zero, only final output at the end of the time evolution is produced.
EventOutputAnalysis/initInput [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ EventOutputAnalysis ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine initInput
Read namelist 'EventOutput' from jobcard.
EventOutputAnalysis/EventOutput [ Namelists ]
[ Top ] [ EventOutputAnalysis ] [ Namelists ]
namelist /EventOutput/
Namelist for EventOutput includes:
EventOutputAnalysis/CheckRootLinked [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ EventOutputAnalysis ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine CheckRootLinked()
If needed from the input parameters, calls the subroutine rootinit. If the program is not linked against RootTuple, this routine aborts the program.
This routine tries to open a ROOT file, closes it again and deletes it. The latter step is OS dependent ('rm ...'). Maybe this can/should be improved. Maybe one should check whether 'tmp/tmp.root' is possible and use this file instead, and only the local dir otherwise?
EventOutputAnalysis/CheckHepMC3Linked [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ EventOutputAnalysis ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine CheckHepMC3Linked()
If needed from the input parameters, calls the subroutine hepmc3init. If the program is not linked against HepMC3event, this routine aborts the program.
cf. CheckRootLinked
EventOutputAnalysis/DoEventOutput [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ EventOutputAnalysis ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine DoEventOutput(realPart, pertPart)
Do the actual writing out, if desired (as indicated in namelist).
EventOutputAnalysis/EventOutput.Pert.lhe [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ EventOutputAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file EventOutput.Pert.lhe
Contains all perturbative particles of a given run in Les Hoches format. Can be enabled by the switch WritePerturbativeParticles. For documentation of the file format see For each subsequent run a separate file will be produced:
* EventOutput.Pert.00000001.lhe * EventOutput.Pert.00000002.lhe * etc
EventOutputAnalysis/EventOutput.Pert.oscar [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ EventOutputAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file EventOutput.Pert.oscar
Contains all perturbative particles of a given run in OSCAR 2003 format. Can be enabled by the switch WritePerturbativeParticles. The data from all subsequent runs will be written into a single file.
EventOutputAnalysis/EventOutput.Pert.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ EventOutputAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file EventOutput.Pert.dat
Contains all perturbative particles of a given run in Shanghai format. Can be enabled by the switch WritePerturbativeParticles. The data from all subsequent runs will be written into a single file.
EventOutputAnalysis/EventOutput.Pert.root [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ EventOutputAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file EventOutput.Pert.root
Contains all perturbative particles of a given run in ROOT format. Can be enabled by the switch WritePerturbativeParticles. The data from all subsequent runs will be written into different files.
EventOutputAnalysis/EventOutput.Pert.hepmc3 [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ EventOutputAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file EventOutput.Pert.hepmc3
Contains all perturbative particles of a given run in HepMC3 (or NuHepMC) format. Can be enabled by the switch WritePerturbativeParticles. The data from all subsequent runs will be written into different files (if via EventFormat=6, i.e. via library) or into a single file (if via EventFormat=7, for NuHepMC).
EventOutputAnalysis/EventOutput.Real.lhe [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ EventOutputAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file EventOutput.Real.lhe
Contains all real particles of a given run in Les Hoches format. Can be enabled by the switch WriteRealParticles. For documentation of the file format see For each subsequent run a separate file will be produced:
* EventOutput.Real.00000001.lhe * EventOutput.Real.00000002.lhe * etc
EventOutputAnalysis/EventOutput.Real.oscar [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ EventOutputAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file EventOutput.Real.oscar
Contains all real particles of a given run in OSCAR 2003 format. Can be enabled by the switch WriteRealParticles. The data from all subsequent runs will be written into a single file.
EventOutputAnalysis/EventOutput.Real.dat [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ EventOutputAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file EventOutput.Real.dat
Contains all real particles of a given run in Shanghai format. Can be enabled by the switch WriteRealParticles. The data from all subsequent runs will be written into a single file.
EventOutputAnalysis/EventOutput.Real.root [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ EventOutputAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file EventOutput.Real.root
Contains all real particles of a given run in ROOT format. Can be enabled by the switch WriteRealParticles. The data from all subsequent runs will be written into different files.
EventOutputAnalysis/EventOutput.Real.hepmc3 [ Output files ]
[ Top ] [ EventOutputAnalysis ] [ Output files ]
file EventOutput.Real.hepmc3
Contains all real particles of a given run in HepMC3 format. Can be enabled by the switch WritePerturbativeParticles. The data from all subsequent runs will be written into different files.