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$\mathbf{\pi N \longrightarrow K \bar{K} N}$

This cross section is choosen according to Sibirtsev et al. [SCK97]. Details concerning the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients an be found in [Eff99]. The result is given by

\sigma_{\pi^- p\rightarrow n K^0 \bar{K}^0}...{K}^0}=\frac{1}{2} \ \sigma^{\mathrm{Sibirtsev}} &&


\sigma^{\mathrm{Sibirtsev}}=1.121 \left(1-\frac{s_0}{s}\right)^{1.86} \left(\frac{s_0}{s}\right)^2  \mathrm{mB}

with $s_{0}=\left(m_{N}+2m_{K}\right)^2$ All channels with an incoming neutron are given by charge conjugation.

Oliver Buss 2005-03-16